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    Quote from: Dimmy at Sep 18, 2007, 08:41 AM

    4. the date of birth (dob) is not saved.

    I found a "fix" for this, although not in the way you’d probably want it, Scotty. tongue

    If you enter in the DOB as MM-DD-YY, it saves it properly (and figures out the age with no problem). If you try to edit it in the MODx Manager interface for a user, it won’t let you edit it, because it’s not in the "standard" form for MODx. But it can be edited fine via WLPE.

    (And congrats on having your script becoming big / popular enough to have it’s subforum. smiley )
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      Re: DOB

      Yes it works. You must use the format ’MM-DD-YY’ as Soshite explained. eg: "12-31-1980"

      No, this is not changeable at this time. There is no parameter, for instance, to change this to ’DD-MM-YYYY’.

      I am, however, working out a way to allow for <select> options for DOB:
      <select name="dobmonth">
         <option value="01">January</option>
         <option value="02">February</option>
         <option value="03">March</option>
      <select name="dobday">
         <option value="01">1</option>
         <option value="02">2</option>
         <option value="03">3</option>
      <select name="dobyear">
         <option value="2007">2007</option>
         <option value="2006">2006</option>
         <option value="2005">2005</option>

      So hopefully that will ease customization and make creating language specific templates very easy.
      The trouble is getting it set in the placeholders so it is "remembered" on the profile page.
      I put a default inputHander for "gender" and "country" in the placeholders. I might have to add another default input handler for [+form.dob+].

      Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist DFPA.
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        All of the above... in no specific order.

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        $wlpe_lang[35] = 'An non-activated user has been deleted';

        Small thing, but it’s missing a . at the end of it. The rest of the strings have a period, so this should follow suit, IMO.

        EDIT: Also, it seems the Country field gets affected by the same bug that made the Gender field appear as 0, 1, or 2 in the User List. It outputs the number that corresponds to the real country name in the language file. I dunno if this is affected by the language issue I have posted in another topic in this subforum, however.
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          Quote from: Soshite at Sep 19, 2007, 01:42 AM

          $wlpe_lang[35] = 'An non-activated user has been deleted';

          Small thing, but it’s missing a . at the end of it. The rest of the strings have a period, so this should follow suit, IMO.

          EDIT: Also, it seems the Country field gets affected by the same bug that made the Gender field appear as 0, 1, or 2 in the User List. It outputs the number that corresponds to the real country name in the language file. I dunno if this is affected by the language issue I have posted in another topic in this subforum, however.
          About the country field:
          Where is this happening? &type=`users`?

          Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist DFPA.
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            Quote from: Dr. at Sep 19, 2007, 02:56 AM

            About the country field:
            Where is this happening? &type=`users`?

            Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist DFPA.

            Yep. It’s in the Users List template. This happens with the default template that shows every user, or with specified chunks for a sorted list by a specific variable. I don’t know if this affects type=`manager`, since I haven’t implemented that feature yet. wink

            If you log into my website’s WLPE interface (IIRC, you have an account there), you can see this happen if you check the image link for all of the gender icons (it should have 1, 2, or 3), and for the By Country sorting option.
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              Quote from: Dimmy at Sep 18, 2007, 08:41 AM

              2. &service=forgot does not work. it send me to the error page (only when frienly url is off or index.php?id=id is used then an extra? is used so probebly my fould that i used index.php?id= on a site where frienly urls are on)

              3. trying to set a new pasword I get the mail the link is working but when i enter the new password i get this error "Your fields do not match. Please try again." and i see the login screen instead of the fill in you password fields. I retyped the newpassword like 10 times alway’s the same error.

              greets Dimmy

              I was having some issues with users not being able to "Activate" their accounts (change their password) after using the "Forgot Password" form...

              Three issues (with fixes!) See below:

              New Password and New Password (Confirm) indicate "fields don’t match" when they really do match!

              Fix: In assets/snippets/webloginpe/webloginpe.class.php function ActivateUser (approx line #1662) (newpasswordconfirm should be newpassword_confirm)
              Change to read like this:
              //<?php // For syntax highlighting only - do not copy this line
              		$newPasswordConfirm = $modx->db->escape($_POST['newpassword_confirm']); // pixelchutes 1:55 AM 9/19/2007

              Then, you’ll find that the OnWebChangePassword system event will throw an error...
              Fix: In assets/snippets/webloginpe/webloginpe.class.php function OnWebChangePassword (approx line #3057) (Looks like we need to make $modx global)
              Add this line:
              //<?php // For syntax highlighting only - do not copy this line
              		global $modx; // pixelchutes 1:56 AM 9/19/2007

              Then, the last problem was the error handling on the form. If a user entered a wrong password or even a wrong Activation Key, they were taken back to the default login form, unable to continue the activation process!
              Fix: Edit WebLoginPE snippet (approx line #375) (Looks like we need some extra handling...)

              Change from:
              //<?php // For syntax highlighting only - do not copy this line
                          case 'activated':
                              if (in_array('activated', $disableServices)){return;}
                              return $displayLoginFormTpl;

              To this:
              //<?php // For syntax highlighting only - do not copy this line
                          case 'activated':
                              if (in_array('activated', $disableServices)){return;}
                              // pixelchutes 1:57 AM 9/19/2007
                              // Here we check for an error, then reload the activation template if necessary
                              // Do NOT reload if wlpe->Report indicates success
                              if ( isset( $wlpe->Report ) && !preg_match( "/".$wlpe_lang[104]."/i", $wlpe->Report ) )
                                  return $displayActivateTpl;
                              return $displayLoginFormTpl;

              I hope this helps someone out! It definitely caught me by surprise!
                Mike Reid - www.pixelchutes.com
                MODx Ambassador / Contributor
                [Module] MultiMedia Manager / [Module] SiteSearch / [Snippet] DocPassword / [Plugin] EditArea / We support FoxyCart
                Where every pixel matters.
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                Dude, you are the WebLoginPE Master!
                Thanks man. Once again your patches will be applied to the next rev.
                I did find that global $modx thing earlier, but credit will go to you, First Mate of WebLoginPE (Pirate Edition).

                I think I forgot to run those through the StringForGenderInt() and StringForCountryInt() methods. I will fix that.
                Thanks for the report. You are awarded the "All hands on deck" trophy for advanced testing and debugging.

                Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist.
                  Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
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                  Quote from: Dr. at Sep 19, 2007, 02:44 PM

                  I think I forgot to run those through the StringForGenderInt() and StringForCountryInt() methods. I will fix that.
                  Thanks for the report. You are awarded the "All hands on deck" trophy for advanced testing and debugging.

                  Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist.

                  Yay, a trophy! ^.^ *runs around and shows it to everyone xd*
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                    Quote from: Dr. at Sep 18, 2007, 11:13 AM

                    Yeah Dimmy... You have bigger problems than just WebLoginPE bugs.
                    I turned FURLs OFF on my local site and it worked just fine.

                    Can anyone else describe problems with data not being saved on the profile page?

                    Dimmy is a good guy, let’s help him figure this out. wink

                    Dr. Scotty Delicious, Scientist DFPA.

                    Unfortunately, I am having the same problem, nothing is saved from the Profile Page?  I spent almost 4 hrs last nite trying to figure this out and got nowhere.  Today I noticed there was a possible fix, applied the patch and still NO SAVE.

                    When I click the Save button it takes me back to the Welcome WebLoginPE page, no error messages at all?  I click the Logout and that works, I click the Done and it appears to work, it throws me back to the Welcome WebLoginPE Page. finally clicking the Delete My Profile button takes me again back to the Welcome WebLoginPE Page. 

                    I will do some more digging tomorrow, don’t have time this evening.

                    BTW: I went to the DEMO page and registered and then tried to change my password and it would not change there either, but everything else was being saved?

                    UPDATED: Just to see if I am going about this thing correctly, I have one page for this snippet:

                    [!WebLoginPE? &regType=`verify` &groups=`Registered Users` &notify=`[email protected]`&regRequired=`username,fullname,email,formcode` &customFields=`fullnameprivate,aka,website,emailprivate,div1Title,div1,div2Title,div2` &inputHandler=`Keep my email private:userPrivateEmail:emailprivate:checkbox:()||Keep my Full Name private:userPrivateFullName:fullnameprivate:checkbox:()`!] 

                    All other actions are derived from this one page, meaning:
                    1) 1st click a login page is showed, with Login, Forgot Password and Register buttons.
                    2) Registration works fine, no problems at all.
                    2) After that and loging in a Welcome Back is showed with 2 buttons, logout and profile,
                    3) Clicking Profile from here shows a page to edit the user’s profile but will saved nothing when Save is clicked on that page?
                    4) Logout works.

                    Could the profile not be saving because of the coding for this page is set for register=verify?
                    Any ideas would lead me to a possible solution.

                    UPDATED AGAIN!:
                    The Forgot Password page works fine, no problems.
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                      Quote from: cobnet at Sep 19, 2007, 08:49 PM

                      BTW: I went to the DEMO page and registered and then tried to change my password and it would not change there either, but everything else was being saved?
                      I was surprised to hear that, so I went to my demo page and edited my profile. I gave myself a new password of "666666" and clicked save.

                      I logged out, then logged back in with my OLD password (assuming it is not being saved). Oh, oh, My password is incorrect?
                      So I tried the new password, "666666", and I was logged in. I went back to my profile page, changed the password back to the old one, and logged out, then successfully logged back in with my original password.

                      Diagnosis: "Save" is working on the profile page (I tested on Safari 3, Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.2 (all Mac OS X), FireFox 2.x, Epiphany, and Internet Explorer 6 (Ubuntu Linux 7.0.4).

                      Quote from: cobnet at Sep 19, 2007, 08:49 PM

                      All other actions are derived from this one page, meaning:
                      1) 1st click a login page is showed, with Login, Forgot Password and Register buttons.
                      2) Registration works fine, no problems at all.
                      2) After that and loging in a Welcome Back is showed with 2 buttons, logout and profile,
                      3) Clicking Profile from here shows a page to edit the user’s profile but will saved nothing when Save is clicked on that page?
                      4) Logout works.

                      Could the profile not be saving because of the coding for this page is set for register=verify?
                      Any ideas would lead me to a possible solution.

                      UPDATED AGAIN!:
                      The Forgot Password page works fine, no problems.
                      I think you mean "&regType=`verify`", but I don’t think it is because of that. You can try removing it as a test to see if it fixes the problem.

                      If I read your post correctly, It looks like you are managing ALL aspects of the user management process (Login, Logout, Register, Profile, etc...) from one page?

                      I have not been doing it this way (I am using separate pages for each), but this is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE.
                      One thing I may have forgot to mention... and I feel REALLY dumb about this now, is that to make WebLoginPE work with multiple instances on one page (one in the sidebar, one in the content area, for example) I had to change some of the service names in the ’simple’ (default) type.

                      What used to be universally "saveprofile" is now:
                      On the profile page: "saveprofile"
                      On the simple page: "saveprofilesimple"

                      If you are NOT using &type=`profile`, make sure the button on your profile template says "saveprofilesimple" and not "saveprofile".

                      I "briefly" mentioned it here, but this was not an official press release. I should have been more clear in the release notes.

                      This might fix both yours and Dimmy’s troubles (I hope embarrassed).

                      I apologize, because I have made this as clear as mud, so hopefully, this will relieve some of that confusion.
                      I will make changes to the snippet code to load a different default template if &type=`simple` so the buttons preform correctly.

                      Thanks for the information, this really helped me sort out some bugs.

                      Dr. Scotty Delicious, DFPA.
                        Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
                        All of the above... in no specific order.

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