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It's been suggested before that it's a good idea to make sure to create a second admin user right away, just for this sort of problem.
If you don't have phpMyadmin, or want to do it from the MySQL commandline, do the following:
1. mysql -u username -p
2. use yourModxDatabaseName;
3. UPDATE modx_user_attributes SET blockeduntil=0 WHERE id=1;
Johnny Chadda
"This is a UNIX virus. Please remove all your files and copy this message to friends."
What if we should add a forget (or reset) password feature to the manager? Maybe something like the one used with weblogins. It would send a new password to the user's email that would require activation
should we do this as a snippet right away, would you mind reporting it to the feature/bug report? Maybe some developer able to do it, or maybe us can do it too. Maybe we need to ask ryan, whether he wants this to be added as a feature request or not.
What I have in mind is, having a forgot password link, and when the user click on it, and it will request for both username and email address, then it will set the blockeduntil into random number, and send both password and this number to the admin email address, if both username and email is matched.
Then in the email, it will give a link to forgot password special page, which required admin name, password and this number to confirm the submission, if they’re all right, it will reset the value.
How’s that sounds?
During the installation both head and papers becomes full of crows feet.
1. When logging into MODx manager session first time it’s not really clear to me which login? ...the mysql-login or the admin login?
2. Can I redo the login-setting via myPHPadmin? (maybe up/low case confusion here)
It’s better if you have access to phpMyAdmin, then do it from there, instead of reinstalling everything again. But if you’re insisting to re-install it. then find an instalation folder on your MODx download, and re-upload that folder to your MODx remote folder. Then you need to remove config.inc.php file on your "manager/include" folder. After you’re done with that, browse your site again, then it will prompt you with a new setup screen.
You might want to choose differen table prefix, if you haven’t delete all the tables created during the first installation.