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    • 33337
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    Are you blocked or forgot your password ?

    If you forgot your password and want to reset: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,275.msg25037.html#msg25037


      Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

      Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link
      • 37272
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      Hi Zi,

      I’m back in now (I had forgotten that I had changed the password), and was locked out. I remembered after the three failed login attempts. rolleyes

      What I find totally confusing is that the DB reported the "blockeduntil" value as "0", when I was locked out! later, it did report a value, and I zeroed it. - Why was it showing "0" at first? huh

      As a heads-up, your instructions at the beginning of this thread are not correct. I had to select "user_attributes" from the right, not the the left.

      Thanks anyway.

        • 33337
        • 3,975 Posts
        Quote from: Colin at Jul 12, 2006, 12:55 PM

        As a heads-up, your instructions at the beginning of this thread are not correct. I had to select "user_attributes" from the right, not the the left.

        Assuming default phpmyadmin install, when you select a db from dropdown menu in left frame, it will display a list of tables in both left and right frame, but in left frame it shows only table names and in right frame it shows all available options with details. So its not a mistake actually smiley .... though it can vary host to host according to how they setup phpmyadmin I guess.


          Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

          Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link
          • 16773
          • 18 Posts
          I, too, have stupidly undecided blocked myself out of my modx database. I now remember the password, but I still get blocked. I have looked at the mysql table, and I can find the entry mentioned below, but I can’t see the long string of numbers you mention; I can only see a 0 in the default field.

          Can anyone help, please?

          I have set up another user, but that user only has access to basic settings, not the management of passwords.


          Steve huh
            • 33337
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            Zaigham (aka zi) Reply #25, 18 years ago
            I’ve amended the tutorial, you must look for your username row and then its "blockeduntil" field in the table.

            Hope it helps.


              Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

              Digging the interwebs for #MODX gems and bringing it to you. modx.link
              • 32699 ☆ A M B ☆
              • 427 Posts
              I have also noticed some other weirdnesses.

              If someone follows the directions in this thread concerning changing the failed attempts in the db to zero, they may also need to close the browser and / or delete the cookie for the site because the an error concerning the security code being wrong comes up, when it isn’t.

              Seems the cookie (or session) is not being rewritten in some instances when the security code is changed when a user is locked out and is reset.

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                • 19554
                • 59 Posts
                Wikified: http://wiki.modxcms.com/index.php/Unblocking_Manager_Users_%28with_role_id_1%29
                Please update with any recent changes. Thanx!
                  • 29952
                  • 9 Posts
                  i’m logged into my phpadmin, but cannot find a user ’admin’ and there is a ’blockeduntil’ field but it is set to 0 by default, but i can’t seem to edit it.

                  there is only myself as a user ’admin’ in the manager.
                    • 29952
                    • 9 Posts
                    got it ...

                    i had to run an SQL query UPDATE modx_user_attributes SET blockeduntil=0 WHERE id=1;
                      • 5091
                      • 332 Posts
                      Quote from: sottwell at Mar 18, 2006, 10:28 AM

                      To manually reset the password, use phpMyAdmin to browse the ’manager_users’ table, edit the admin user’s row, replace the encoded password with your new one, and choose "MD5" from the Function dropdown for that field.

                      I got logged out again, only this time it’s from the local server. I am pretty sure the password is correct but it doesn’t work, so I reset it with the above method (tried it a couple of times in the past from the webservers so I know it worked before), it still doesn’t allow me to login with the new password.

                      I also tried zi’s method, still not working. I am wondering if it has anything to do with MAMP (PRO) setting?

                      There isn’t much work done in that demo site however I have a WF dropdown menu with a templates that I really wanted to retrieve as it took me hours to get it working :-(

                      Can I run a new installation, and import the database with the manager login info to retrieve my templates?