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    Seems it was a chache-thing somehow.
    Now the introtext and description-rtes are disabled.

    Didn't see, there was this button in the left-bottom corner and forgot to duplicate the quickUpdate - chunk with my suffix.
    Working now.
    This is great. I prefer that button over loading the rte in the quick-update automatically. So I'm fine with that.

      you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


      • 42562
      • 1,145 Posts
      donshakespeare Reply #232, 8 years ago
      Changelog for TinymceWrapper

      ++SURVIVE UPGRADES: duplicate edited chunks, retain names, add suffix, specify suffix in TinymceWrapper Plugin properties.
      ++CREATE PropertySets where applicable to protect your Plugin and Snippet alterations.
      ++DEPENDENCIES (optional): pdoTools / getResources, tagLister, MODX Resizer, NewsPublisher, MIGX getImageList
      ++ALWAYS START BY viewing the TinymceWrapper Demo Resource (it has everything enabled, frontend/backend)
      FixedPre (and any Extra running on OnParseDocument) kills TinymceWrapper dead. Bruno17 has found a possible MODX glitch.
      When our TinyJSONGallery is on, Extras Image+ and Gallery do a weird thing of outputting tv path at top of page - will address jako's suggestion before next winter

      ++CONFIGURE your RTE: valid_elements + valid_children = unlimited possibilities!!!

      TinymceWrapper 2.3.1-pl (aka MIRANDA the beautiful)
      UPDATED plugin System Events
      + OnDocFormPrerender, OnTempFormPrerender,OnSnipFormPrerender,OnChunkFormPrerender,OnPluginFormPrerender,OnFileEditFormPrerender
      + fix your PropertySets!!!
      UPDATED TinymceWrapper Resource with TinyJSONGallery Demo frontend/backend - sweet stuff!!!
      UPDATED TinymceWrapperNPpublishButtonsTpl chunk - better error handling!!!
      UPDATED modxMagicHoverLink.js
      + when you hover over resources in tree and search result, you can get SCHEME, relative, absolute, http, https
      + full support for Markdown
      UPDATED elFinder to 2.1.11, protocol version: 2.1 -- jQuery/jQuery UI: 1.12.0/1.11.4
      UPDATED Responsive FileManager to 9.10.1
      UPDATED TinymceWrapperCodeMirror chunk (includes emmet) to function like its fraternal twin below.

      ADDED TinymceWrapperAce chunk (includes emmet)
      0. Ace up any fabled textarea within MODX... including quick edit/ create... beautiful and awesome, easy to customize!
      1. Flawlessly auto detect resource language by content_type (mime), or set to fixed.
      2. Auto detect elements according to static source extension, or set to fixed.
      3. Auto detect file language according to file extension - or even in quick edit modal.
      4. Change language on the fly while editing anything.
      5. Go full screen.
      6. Deactivate individual textareas at pleasure.
      7. Use with RTE - well, you can, and why not?
      8. Out of the box, Ace comes with lint for the major languages if not all, and a powerful set of keyboard control./
      0-7 is applicable to TinymceWrapperCodeMirror

      ADDED to TinyMCE RTE awesome homemade PLUGINS
      + twExoticMarkdownEditor.js - turn any TinyMCE instance into a full-blown beautiful Markdown Editor
      + twPreCodeManager.js - manage all pre/code tag content - just paste in your source code, and bam! you are on the road! Works for pure Markdown Syntax fenced blocks as well.
      + twAceEditor.js - just when you thought twCodeMirror.js was the best thing since sliced bacon, Ace comes in with its full horse power.
      + twCodeMirror.js - reworked to foot the bill (added close button and fontSize)
      ADDED full Markdown support (COMPOSE AND PARSE in markdown, markdownExtra, parsedown, parsedownExtra)
      SEE init chunk: sample.TinymceWrapperMarkdown
      + Transform your RTE into the most Perfect Pure Raw Markdown Editor ever - with Markdown floating toolbar, shortcuts, templates etc
      + USAGE (frontend/backend):
      forced_root_block : "", //!important
      force_br_newlines : true, //!important
      force_p_newlines : false, //!important
      valid_elements: "br", //!important
      paste_as_text: true, //!important
      external_plugins: {
      twExoticMarkdownEditor: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/twExoticMarkdownEditor.js", //!important
      bubbleBar: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/tinymceBubbleBar.js",
      twPreCodeManager: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/twPreCodeManager.js",
      modxMagicHoverLink: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/tinymceplugins/modxMagicHoverLink.js"
      plugins: "paste contextmenu save searchreplace fullscreen",
      toolbar: "fullscreen twPreCodeManager boldMD italicMD linkMD imageMD blockquoteMD codeMD numlistMD bullistMD tableMD undo redo code searchreplace bubbleBarOptionsButton",
      menubar: false,
      contextmenu: "fullscreen twPreCodeManager boldMD italicMD linkMD imageMD blockquoteMD codeMD numlistMD bullistMD tableMD undo redo code searchreplace template"

      SEE snippet: TinymceWrapperMarkdown (use as Output Modifier)
      + Not just write beautifully in Markdown but parse the silly thing - so that you never have to write in RT format or see HTML ever again - oh yeaaa! copy all your github stuff over...
      + [[*content:TinymceWrapperMarkdown]] ... [[*myTV:TinymceWrapperMarkdown]] ... [[+placeholder:TinymceWrapperMarkdown]]
      + Modifier takes these options: TinymceWrapperMarkdown=`markdown,markdownE,parsedown,parsedownE` (default is parsedownE)

      FIXED critical error in plugin that prevented creating of New Resources anywhere in the Manager (thanks to modxor)
      FIXED typo in elfinderConnector snippet that rendered custom chunks useless (thanks to Dave Smith)
      FIXED elfinder not supplying Image/File TV in TinyMagicPublisher
      FIXED TinyJSONGallery.js
      + to load jQuery UI via https
      + ctrl+s now saves JSON and saves to MODX
      FIXED imogen template file/image TV errors
      + MODX Manager phpthumb must be fed relative inks
      + MODX Manager phpthumb cannot parse MODX tags

      To God be the glory. Enjoy!!!
        TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
        Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
        5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
      • Hey Don, thanks for a great work.

        Now I'm going to localize TinyMCE - give it the German language. How do I do it?

        Here is what I tried, according to https://www.tinymce.com/docs/configure/localization/: I didn't download a language file, as I can't find the directory where to put it, and anyway it's a CDN version, right? Next step: add "language: de," to the init-Declarations. In the TinymceWrapper-Chunks I find the CommonCode, here I put it (in my own copy with suffix). Result: TinyMCE does not load.

        Can you direct me to the right way?

          Brigitte Bornemann - Accessibility Consultant, Web Designer - Hamburg / Munich, Germany.
        • Ouch - it is "language: 'de',"
          But when I do this, the Content will not show at all (before there was the HTML).

          Can anyone help?
            Brigitte Bornemann - Accessibility Consultant, Web Designer - Hamburg / Munich, Germany.
            • 42562
            • 1,145 Posts
            Your browser should be showing some JavaScript errors
            "language: 'de'," // the closing quote of "language: is after the comma instead of immediately after language - before the colon
            "language: de," //same problem + de does not have quotes 
            The above are invalid.

            1. Need a comma at the end of final quotation mark ..."de",
            2. Key is language ... value is de - if you use quotes around your keys; if you use quotes on any key - all the keys in your config must have quotes - and the same kind of quotes for that matter (single/double)
            3. Your value should never be without quotes or else they'd be treated as JavaScript variable which de is not
              selector: 'example',
              language: 'de',
              plugins: 'example'

              TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
              Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
              5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
            • Thanks for your quick reply. But sorry, my quotation marks are in text only, not in the chunk. I did it like this:

                selector: 'example',
                language: 'de',
                plugins: 'example'

              There must be something else aqueer. I have no problems customizing the toolbar, so the basics are working.

              What about the selector part - I specified
              selector: 'textarea',

              like in the manual. Has it anything to do with the language?
                Brigitte Bornemann - Accessibility Consultant, Web Designer - Hamburg / Munich, Germany.
              • Hey, I see, the selector #ta in the Content Chunk is for the content textarea.

                Next try coming soon.

                  Brigitte Bornemann - Accessibility Consultant, Web Designer - Hamburg / Munich, Germany.
                  • 42562
                  • 1,145 Posts
                  Okay ... there is a confusion here.

                  Leave everything as it was (because it worked before you tried to add language)

                  If you want to change language for all your MODX fields

                  In that your chunk TinymceWrapperCommonCode-yourSuffix
                  Add this language: 'de', to be the very first line of that chunk.

                  This is all you need to do.
                    TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                    Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                    5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
                  • Would be glad if you were right, but sorry, there is no positive result here. language: 'de', is the first line my TinymceWrapperCommonCode-yourSuffix chunk. But no
                    buttons, no content in the main-content field.

                    I tried different other places for the language, and different styles of quotes, to no avail.
                      Brigitte Bornemann - Accessibility Consultant, Web Designer - Hamburg / Munich, Germany.
                      • 42562
                      • 1,145 Posts
                      Please diagnose.

                      Remove the language line from your chunk, TinymceWrapperCommonCode ... is everything fixed?
                      If using Chrome, or other respectable browser, please right-click and say "Inspect Element" ...let me know if the browser reports any issues when you encounter this problem.

                      Your issue is JavaScript flaw ... I assume you have a mistake somewhere.

                      Finally, show me the content of your TinymceWrapperCommonCode chunk, with your language insertion - so that I can see what's wrong.

                      Or else, PM me your MODX Manager so I can see what the problem is.

                        TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
                        Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
                        5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.