Wow, this one is extra, besides commercial Redactor by modmore, dropping all other RTE's for MODX off the table !! My compliments for this RTE with browser for resources.
I have one question for now: I would like add plugin table to the editor and I edited the chunk with plugin and toolbar values. When I enable menubar I see the correct support for tables, but plugin is not showing up in the button bar. Als when editing chunk to add plugin to context menu will not show the plugin. Just only in the menubar.
When inserting a table from menubar it does not add desired code to the editor. It just adds a bunch of
tags and it seems to be the amount of tags similar to the amount of cells adding.
Is option to extend extend plugins with buttons and context menu still under development?
selector : "#ta",
//statusbar : false,
textpattern_patterns: [
{start: '*', end: '*', format: 'italic'},
{start: '**', end: '**', format: 'bold'},
{start: '#', format: 'h1'},
{start: '##', format: 'h2'},
{start: '###', format: 'h3'},
{start: '####', format: 'h4'},
{start: '#####', format: 'h5'},
{start: '######', format: 'h6'},
{start: '1. ', cmd: 'InsertOrderedList'},
{start: '* ', cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'},
{start: '- ', cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList'}
browser_spellcheck: true,
gecko_spellcheck: true,
paste_data_images: false,
paste_word_valid_elements: "a,div,b,strong,i,em,h1,h2,h3,p,blockquote,ol,ul,pre",
valid_elements: "iframe[*],object[*],audio[*],-span[!title|!class<test test2],a[href|target|class|rel|title|data-ajax|data-iframe],strong,b,-p[class<text-align-left?text-align-center?text-align-right],br,-h1[class|data-ajax|data-iframe],-h2[class|data-ajax|data-iframe],-h3[class|data-ajax|data-iframe],-img[!src|!alt|!class=round_img|data-ajax|data-iframe],em,-blockquote,pre[class],-ol,-ul,-li,-code[class]",
valid_children: "-li[ul],-li[ol],-li[div],-strong[*],-em[*],-h1[*],-h2[*],-h3[*],-a[strong|em|h1|h2|h3|p|div],blockquote[p|ol|ul],pre,div",
relative_urls: false,
toolbar: "undo redo | newdocument | fullscreen preview | undo redo | blockquote | bold | italic | aligncenter | bullist numlist | link unlink | image responsivefilemanager | styleselect | tablecontrols charmap emoticons insertdatetime | searchreplace",
image_advtab: true,
external_filemanager_path: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/responsivefilemanager/filemanager/",
filemanager_title: "Responsive Filemanager 9.9.3 For MODx Revo 2.3+",
external_plugins: {
filemanager: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/responsivefilemanager/filemanager/plugin.min.js",
responsivefilemanager: "[[++assets_url]]components/tinymcewrapper/responsivefilemanager/tinymce/plugins/responsivefilemanager/plugin.min.js"
contextmenu: "removeformat | link | image responsivefilemanager | tablecontrols | code",
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('keydown', function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode == 83 && evt.ctrlKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.metaKey) {
$('#modx-abtn-save button').trigger("click");