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    • 46220
    • 66 Posts
    I had the same issue as you guys resulting in an 'Error authenticating with Google' page. I've tried a couple of things and one at least made sure I didn't get that page anymore.

    Leave the analytics_sessionToken empty and in google analytics go to account > account settings > change your account name to www.yoursite.com/manager/index.php.

    Let me know if it works or not.
      • 36754
      • 21 Posts
      I recently had this error: "Couldn't connect with google analytics".

      Changing the system setting 'analytics_profileId' in the analytics section and just removing the prefix "ga:" did the trick.

      perhaps this helps others, too.

      my modx version: 2.3.3
      my dashboard extra version: analyticsdashboard-1.0.5-pl
        • 49622
        • 4 Posts
        I've tried setting this widget up.. I am able to request an auth code, and when I fill in the auth code and hit authenticate it looks as if it's authenticated as I can go to the settings and select a report to view. But in the report graphs it keeps saying "Couldn't connect with google analytics".

        I've checked the system settings but those are set by the widget when I select a different report so I guess that they are being filled in correctly.

        Could there be any other settings I'm missing?

        I've added a screenshot with the error message and the system settings.
          • 24629
          • 370 Posts
          I couldn't get it to work so I switch over to big Brother. Works great!
          • As @Ralph Zelf suggested, maybe we should switch toBigBrother package instead. My google dashboard was broken since last update, and I also have to switch over too.
              • 49622
              • 4 Posts
              I've switched to Big Brother but I'm not getting that to go through after authentication.. but for that I'll go over to a different thread. smiley
                • 40122
                • 330 Posts
                It's a shame, this plugin looks good, but I spent half a day trying to figure it out and had to give up sad
                  • 28500
                  • 2 Posts
                  From version 1.0.3 (released on June 1st 2015) and newer versions the Google OAuth method has been updated, and after updating to the latest version and re-authenticating Analytics Dashboard you should be able to use it again with no problems. Do you still have the same issue after upgrading to the latest version (1.0.5)?
                    • 46886
                    • 1,154 Posts
                    It works! Hoy Nellie!
                      • 10525
                      • 247 Posts
                      Can anyone direct me to the docs for Google Analytics Dashboard Widget - how to run and configure it? I can't even see the basic snippet call, if it is a snippet?...

                      I have installed (v1.0.5) it but cannot see it under snippets or plugins in the Elements tree.