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  • Hello,

    I'm using this extension: http://modx.com/extras/package/googleanalyticsdashboardwidget

    I've gone into System Settings and set the following variables:

    • analytics_accountId: xxxxxxxx (8 Digits in that make up the Account ID). Including UA- in front of them didn't make a difference.

    • analytics_profileId: xxxxxxxx (8 Digits as well, different than the account ID)

    • analytics_sessionToken: session=1
      Is this the correct value?

    • analytics_sitename: Do you use http:// or just name.com?

    • analytics_webPropertyId: UA-xxxxxxxx-1 (Similar to Account ID but without the -1)

    Now the widget wouldn't authenticate until I input session=1 for the analytics_sessionToken. Then it authenticated but i get the following error message:

    Couldn't connect with google analytics

    I can see the dashboard and tabs and so forth.

    Anyone able to get this widget functioning and if so what sort of settings did you use?

    • I also got the same, error. I would recommend using the Google Add-On called BIG BROTHER instead! It also offers a dashboard widget and a great backend GUI in the manager. Easy to install! AFter you install it, you will find it under COMPONENTS. Click on it there and go through the setup process. You don't need to mess with the system settings...
        Benjamin Davis: American web designer living in Munich, Germany and a MODX Ambassador. I am also co-founder of SEDA.digital, a MODX Agency.
      • Hi,

        Yes, I have tried Big Brother and it worked successfully but I was interested in this one for clients in particular because it doesn't have the need for an $80 license for HighCharts.

        Others have mentioned you just just click the link to login to Google Analytics when you've installed the Dashboard Widget but I get the following error:

        The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error. A detailed error message follows:

        The site "http://siteurl.com" has not been registered.

        Not sure why it says the site has not been registered. I can login to the Analytics account and view the stats and it does work with Big Brother.
        • I would suggest writing the author of the extension: [email protected]
          The documentation for this is not very detailed. I also wouldn't mind getting it to work!
            Benjamin Davis: American web designer living in Munich, Germany and a MODX Ambassador. I am also co-founder of SEDA.digital, a MODX Agency.
          • rx2, have you mailed Wieger yet? If not, I can point him to this thread. Please let me know.
              Sterc Internet & Marketing | MODX Founding Partner | Chairman of the MODX Advisory Board

              In need of a MODX consult? Try our MODX Developers Experts!
              • 23849
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              I'm having the same issue. I believe I've entered all the correct information into the widget's settings, but I get a big link on my dashboard saying "Click here to authenticate through Google". When I click the link, I get a google error:

              The site "http://my-domain.com" has not been registered.

              I'm logged into the Google account that is connected to the analytics account I'm trying to connect to...not sure what else to do here.

              Any info would be greatly appreciated!
                Nick Hoag
                Creative Partner
                The FutureForward

              • Alright, that sucks. We've had this issue before and there is dirty fix for it.

                The URL of the Google-page with the error should look something like the one below:


                The important part is your domain.com. Try capitalizing "domain.com" to "Domain.com" and hit enter. That should do the trick. Please let me know if it works smiley
                  Sterc Internet & Marketing | MODX Founding Partner | Chairman of the MODX Advisory Board

                  In need of a MODX consult? Try our MODX Developers Experts!
                  • 23849
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                  Hi GP,

                  That worked initially. It correctly showed the "grant access" button. Upon clicking grant access, it returned me to the modx dashboard and showed the "select site" dropdown menu (image attached).

                  I hit submit and then it came back to the same "Click here to authenticate through Google" screen...a bit of a loop if you will.

                  Let me know if I may be missing something here!
                    Nick Hoag
                    Creative Partner
                    The FutureForward

                  • Can you check your system settings. Does the analytics section look something like this and do all fields (marked black) contain values? Also, what is your MODX version?

                    Click for large version:
                      Sterc Internet & Marketing | MODX Founding Partner | Chairman of the MODX Advisory Board

                      In need of a MODX consult? Try our MODX Developers Experts!
                      • 23849
                      • 223 Posts
                      All those fields are filled in...but are accountId and webPropertyId supposed to be the same? I have them both as the "UA-XXXXXXXX-X" ID.
                        Nick Hoag
                        Creative Partner
                        The FutureForward
