Quote from: formulax at Mar 08, 2019, 02:44 PMQuote from: donshakespeare at Mar 08, 2019, 06:29 AMHello. Any errors in your browser?
Right-click to inspect chrome with dev-tools
Uncaught ReferenceError: $TinymceWrapperLinkList is not defined
at Ext.onReady.delay (?a=resource/update&id=3:319)
at ext-all.js:21
at b (ext-all.js:21)
Was the method I described the correct way to do it? Renaming every chunk to end with -custom?
TinymceWrapperLinkList is referenced by name in the TinymceWrapperCommonCode chunk, so if you rename TinymceWrapperLinkList to TinymceWrapperLinkList-custom, then you need to edit TinymceWrapperCommonCode and change:
that is, IF you are actually using TinymceWrapperLinkList. If there is a dash in front of the dollar sign ([[-$TinymceWrapperLinkList]]) then it's not in use.