Hi thanks for your hint. Tried to check system-settings via admin-toolbar -> again CODE 200 OK! Whatever i try to do!
With phpMyAdmin can't find any DB entries like "compress_css" and "compress_js". No chance to do anything. However the Website is still running. Found several posts with the same issue. One mentioned a fix: ""Fix checking if connectors are included by a defined constant instead of a get_included_files() check. #11748"" / Where can i get this Fix. I'm not very experienced with MODX.
Cheers Roland
[ed. note: solenthaler last edited this post 10 years, 6 months ago.]
Connect to your database via phpmyadmin or something and look for table modx_system_settings it has the two records compress_css and compress_js. Change the values to 0.
Ok, after Saving a page by clicking through the error messages, the error is gone. Now all seems to work ok.
Talking about complication of permissions, roles and so on: That is for us the show-stopper after using Modx since.. almost the beginning. It is so complicated that you need not be just IT expert but MODx expert to get it going... and then even often it fails.
I think two things need to be done: 1-kick the guy who made that stuff and/or take away his pot;) 2-develop some kind of "permission agent" that resets everything to default for IT experts that are not trained for years in this matter
+1 on this issue. Something needs to be done in an upcoming release. I always felt like spinning the wheel of fortune to get something working with the ACL.