☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Is this an upgrade? If so, it looks like you need to go over your Policies. Something got scrambled in there, and your user doesn't have edit permissions any more.
Indeed an upgrade. Odd thing is the user can edit and save just fine. I checked all the Policies and can't find anything not right. Like the other poster of the Code 200 OK problem, I also miss a log out in the manager. The idea something got scrambled seems right, but what exactly..
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Have you cleared your browser cache and cookies? Some old javascript may be stuck in your browser cache.
Thanks for the response! I had done that and also checked different browsers to no avail. What else..
Susan was right, it were the permissions. (I have also answered this on a related thread.)
To get that dreaded Code 200 OK fixed; make sure class_map is selected in the permissions.
To get log out back, make sure menu_user is selected in the permissions.
Be sure to Manage > Flush Your Permissions as not always new settings will be instantiated.
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
I've had that happen in previous upgrades as well, so it's not just 2.3
And if the Code 200 OK still pops up over the Media Browser, be sure to select source_view.
Hy all
I got that CODE 200 OK aswell. Can't access anyting. The left-side of the admin screen is empty (Ressourcen, Elements, Files).
Can't create any user, no user in the list, packet manager empty. Any activitie creates a "CODE 200" OK.
Any succestions?
Have you disabled compress_css and compress_js in your database (it's a system setting)? That will resolve the emptyness.