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    • 52634
    • 60 Posts
    The proposed 5 permissions solve the problem for Articles. Nevertheless I am not happy with giving permissions (with unknown side effects at other places) just to solve that error. It should be prevented by Articles IMHO.
    Regarding Articles it might be the usergroup_user_list permission, because Articles wants to show the *createdby field at the resource (quite unusual, this field is never shown for normal resources). You can choose and select a user there, and that is why that permission is needed.

    Addition: instead of tweaking your whole policy setup to fix that problem, I strongly advice you to build a separate policy template and policy for that. To make it even more simple, I have attached two XML files here, just import the template and the policy (in that order!) at the ACL, and grant your restricted users the policy for the manager context.
    This way you can savely remove that context access in the future (e.g. when Articles is fixed) without affecting your other permissions.
      • 40090
      • 8 Posts
      Non of the earlier mentioned fixes works for me. I'm using a modx installation with lots of usergroups, and i think that may cause the problem since all my other modx sites work just fine. And yes i checked the usergroup_user_list view_user and all the other user related permissions.

      Any other ideas?
        • 43864
        • 151 Posts
        This error also returns when SimpleCart is installed. Any solution? When will this be fixed forever?
          • 39827
          • 42 Posts
          Got same problem today after upgrading from 2.2.15 to 2.4.3.
          The setting source_view did the job for me. I cant confirm that all the setting mentioned above are also needed.
            • 8168
            • 1,118 Posts
            Anybody a good solid and reliable fix for this?? I am running Articles 1.7.11-pl which is supposed to have fixed this bug - yet I still get these errors when trying to edit the Articles blog on my site...??
              • 43864
              • 151 Posts
              Quote from: dubbs at Jul 06, 2016, 10:10 AM
              Anybody a good solid and reliable fix for this?? I am running Articles 1.7.11-pl which is supposed to have fixed this bug - yet I still get these errors when trying to edit the Articles blog on my site...??

              I know it's not directly a solution to you problem, but don't use Articles anymore, it's not updated. Use Collection instead, much more flexibility.
                • 43864
                • 151 Posts
                After upgrade to Modx 2.5.4. the error message is back.

                You have to check the setting 'view_template' to remove the error message.

                I have repported it to Modx on Github: https://github.com/modxcms/revolution/issues/13243
                  • 8835
                  • 21 Posts
                  Quote from: sitsol at Jan 06, 2017, 02:54 PM

                  You have to check the setting 'view_template' to remove the error message.

                  thanks for sharing that.
                  these forums maybe 'old school' but they are still a way more valuable source than one hundred slack channels
                    ▙▚▚▜ I don't think I can, you see, I'd have to want to ▙▚▚▜
                    • 38142
                    • 91 Posts
                    cottagestuff Reply #39, 8 years ago
                    Quote from: sitsol at Jan 06, 2017, 02:54 PM
                    After upgrade to Modx 2.5.4. the error message is back.

                    You have to check the setting 'view_template' to remove the error message.

                    I have repported it to Modx on Github: https://github.com/modxcms/revolution/issues/13243

                    Thank you, Mr Sitsol. You brought a welcome end to over two hours of intense pain.
                      • 8548
                      • 104 Posts
                      Quote from: boomerang at Jan 29, 2015, 10:02 AM
                      THIS WAS ANOTHER FIX!

                      Turns out when viewing a user profile you need to have "countries" checked as well otherwise this Permission denied error pops up. Would like to say I figured it out myself, but on this occasion the great Mark Hamstra pointed me in the right direction.

                      So another option to check if you're getting these permission errors....

                      class_map - check
                      view_user - check
                      usergroup_user_list - check
                      namespaces - check
                      countries - check

                      Hope this helps others wink

                      Same problem, my solution I needed the 5 above AND view_template ticked.

                      cheers, hope to help someone else with the same problem