Hi All,
Here is a module to backup your entire MODx based site (files & database) into one .zip file, for a single download.
Useful for backing up and moving from a staging server to production server.
Run it, click generate button, than download .zip file
* Multiple backups can be kept, just hit generate again.
* Log data is not inserted into sql dump file to reduce sql bloat
I’ve tested it in a few different hosting environments (Linux, Windows XP) and it seems to work ok, however any feedback would be appreciated.
Installation is fairly straightforward.
1. Create a directory on your webserver to hold modx .zip archives (ie /home/username/_backup ) and set read/write permissions to 777
2. Unzip modbak directory under /assets/modules/ directory. --> /assets/modules/modbak
3. Edit /assets/modules/modbak/download.php, and set $modx_backup_dir to backup dir in new directory created in (1)
4. Create a new Module in MODx manager and copy contents of modbak.module.tpl into module code.
5. Now run module, click generate, if it works there should be a .zip link containing your modx site.
7 Mar 07 v0.9.4 - Fixed . in sitename, added settings.php file to simplify config
4 Mar 07 v0.9 - Added table_prefix, restructured code
- archive and database filenames by default use sitename (ie mysite12-10-07.zip, mysite.sql)
- memory and time limits are set as variables (however also dependent on php.ini host setup)
13 Feb 06 - Added theme look, tested some more, all database tables included, however log data is not inserted.
11 Feb 2006 - Updated MODx module(modbak05.zip) to backup entire modx site including the database tables (by default LOG tables are not included in backup).
Hope it comes in Handy.
Rob Stemp
That sounds fantastic. Oooh, yes please!
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Quote from: stempy at Feb 10, 2006, 10:05 PM
Might include an sql dump of the modx database aswell.
Just keep in mind that the logging tables can be a real killer if their data is dumped as well!
Very nice module!
I’ll have a look at it later to see if I can convert it into an installable package
The Modbak module functions great but the interface doesn’t render properly under IE6 (its fine in firefox) - see attached IE screen grab.
I have also added txt file of the source.
Hi, I have a stupid question: how I restore the modx backup and the sql database ?
Thanks to all
Sorry for my bad English