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    • 13320
    • 245 Posts

    Thanks for your corrections.

    Because, i don’t know how i can implemate the chunck to style the calendar :’(
      • 25383
      • 6 Posts
      Super snippet !
      J’ai mis un ptit moment à comprendre son fonctionnement (j’avais jamais utilisé les TV, mais bon on y arrive) et tout marche super bien !
      pas contre j’ai une demande (bonjour le lourd), j’ai cherché sur les forums (anglais et français)

      est-ce possible d’associer un image à un événement (un aperçu ou qque chose du genre) qui pourrait apparaître dans la liste des évènements du mois ?

      J’ai fait une TV "ImageEvent" de type image, mais je ne suis pas un "pro" du php pour le rendu final smiley

      Merci beaucoup en tout cas pour toutes ce snippet qui tue smiley

      (désolé je me suis trompé - je le reposte aussi dans la version française)

        • 12013
        • 61 Posts
        I have just run into a problem, I have seen it mentioned elsewhere but cannot find the solution to it. Now it is December my calendar tries to find month 13 when I click on the next month link.

        Is this an old error that may have been fixed if I do a clean install of the snippet? Any solutions will be greatly appreciated. The next year link works fine and so does the previous month.

        I look forward to your response

          • 6947
          • 8 Posts
          I’m sure this has been dealt with before but all the previously posted solutions are doing me no good so any tips would be much appreciated:

          My CALx snippet is returning the following error
          The parameter &idMultiEvent is obligatory.

          See for yourself at http://deevee.co.uk/null/cms/index.php?id=32

          [[CALx? &getFolder=`33` &dayStart=`0` &inactDay=`6` &useTV=`true` &dateStartTVName=`startDateofEvent` &dateEndTVName=`endDateofEvent` &popupType=`1` &popupSize=`350` &toolTipPosition=`BELOW` &showOtherMonth=`both` &chunkCSSName=`square` &getTypeProcess=`createCal` &idMultiEvent=`32`]]

          The eagle eyed among you will notice that I have a &idMultiEvent in my snippet; it references the page where the calendar should be shown (id 32).
          Any idea as to what is happening here?! I have not a clue; I’ve even tried putting the &idMultiEvent bit in twice, to no avail.

          Any tips much appreciated
          Happy new year!
            • 14668
            • 11 Posts
            hi deevee,

            1. try setting your page to "cacheable" and then use the call with the exclamation points: [! snippet call !]

            2. or, turn off "cacheable" and use the snippet call with two brackets: [[ snippet call ]]
              • 7690
              • 166 Posts
              is it possible to show the title of the event in the calendar?

              and is it possible when you click on an event in the calendar a popup opens instead of going to an other page?

              and last but not least, it it possible to show 10 upcoming events in a table or something?
                • 31640
                • 100 Posts

                I have the same problem as legatissima
                i can’t get my calender css styled.
                The problem with legatissima was his mysql version, mine is 5.0 so thats ok

                I added the css file

                <link rel="stylesheet" href="/yannick/assets/snippets/CALx/style/defaut_style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="/yannick/assets/snippets/CALx/style/black_and_white_uk.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="/yannick/assets/snippets/CALx/style/square.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
                <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/yannick/assets/templates/yannickmx/css/reset.css" media="screen" />
                <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/yannick/assets/templates/yannickmx/css/style.css" media="screen" />
                <!--[if lte IE 6]>
                  <style type="text/css" media="screen, tv, projection">
                        body { behavior: url(assets/js/csshover.htc); } /* hover:anything support */
                        #content { margin-left: 22px; } /* to avoid the BMH */
                        a,  a:link { border-bottom-style: solid } /* becuase IE just doesn't dot */
                  <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/sleight.js"></script>
                <!--[if lte IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/yannick/assets/templates/yannickmx/css/ie_fixes.css" media="screen" /><![endif]-->

                so the css file must be found

                the following code is generated

                	<p><div id='CALx'>
                <div class='navPeriod'>
                <span class='previousYear'><a href="index.php?id=6&mois=08&annee=2008" title="Toon het vorig jaar"><<</a></span>
                <span class='previousMonth'><a href="index.php?id=6&mois=7&annee=2009" title="Toon de vorige maand"><</a></span>
                <span class='month'>Augustus</span>
                <span class='year'>2009</span>
                <span class='nextMonth'><a href="index.php?id=6&mois=9&annee=2009" title="">></a></span>
                <span class='nextYear'><a href="index.php?id=6&mois=08&annee=2010" title="Toon het volgend jaar">>></a></span>
                <div class="CALxContent">
                <table class='CALxTable'>
                <tr><th><acronym title='montag'>m</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='dienstag'>di</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='mittwoch'>wo</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='donnerstag'>do</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='freitag'>vr</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='samstag'>za</acronym></th>
                <th><acronym title='sonntag'>zo</acronym></th>

                and this is my snippet call

                [!CALx? &getFolder=`6` &idMultiEvent=`34` &idDocYear=`19` &idDocMonthEvents=`26` &dayStart=`0` &inactDay=`6` &startMonth=`08` &lang=`dutch` &useTV=`true` &dateStartTVName=`startDateofEvent` &dateEndTVName=`endDateofEvent` &popupType=`2` &popupSize=`200` &toolTipPosition=`CENTER` &showOtherMonth=`both` &showPrevNextLink=`false` &TVCalxRepeat=`CALxRepeat` &TVstartDatePeriod=`startDatePeriod` &TVendDatePeriod=`endDatePeriod` &getTypeProcess=`createCal` !]

                Hope you can help!!!!

                  • 6561
                  • 139 Posts
                  There is a string called ’stringDetails’... it is the value for ’title’ in the Html.

                  Is it possible to not show the title tooltip (browser) when hovering over the date, but do show it in the ’ajax’ popup?

                  Edit: I found a solution - I think. If you leave the string empty (delete the text between the quotes), then browsers will not show a tooltip.
                    • 12147
                    • 182 Posts
                    I’ve followed instructions carefully, but obviously have not understood correctly somewhere..

                    Process overview (hopefully this will help someone else, since it wasn’t all that clear to me):
                    Uploaded all files into CALx folder inside Snippets folder inside Assets folder
                    Created chunk for calendar css
                    Created CALx snippet, editing parameters as appropriate
                    Created template (duplicate of main site template tagged -calx,which all calendar/event pages are based on, and to which TVs StartDateCALx and StartDateCALx are associated)
                    Created container folder/document (published)
                    Created test event document inside container folder (published), indicated Start and End dates using TVs
                    Added to container document:
                    [[CALx? &getFolder=`105` &idDocYear=`int` &idDocMonthEvents=`int` 
                                    &dayStart=`6` &inactDay=`6` &lang=`english` 
                                    &useTV=`true` &dateStartTVName=`StartDateCALx` 
                                    &dateEndTVName=`EndDateCALx` &popupType=`1` &popupSize=`300` 
                                    &toolTipPosition=`CENTER` &showOtherMonth=`both` &chunkCSSName=`squarecss` 

                    where `105` is the container folder
                    (added this straight to the html - no RTE involved)

                    Container page shows calendar (only) but UNSTYLED. I’m sure the chunk holding the css is named correctly, and I’m pretty sure it’s called correctly. The CSS file is not listed when source is viewed. The div ID for the calendar is listed in Source as <div id=’CALxContent’> whereas the container div is called #CALxContentSquare in the square.css file.

                    Thanks for any help. I’ve tried everything I can think of to sort this out, but no luck.

                    P.S. I was under the impression for some reason that the container page also lists all events below the calendar?? (which isn’t happening, so I guess I was wrong). Is it possible for this to happen??
                      • 12147
                      • 182 Posts
                      Much time spent trying to figure this out, but still cannot get CSS styles to load; calendar loads unstyled (not even default style loads).

                      In "View Generated Source", both <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/snippets/CALx/js/script.js"></script> & <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/snippets/CALx/js/overlib.js"></script> are present, but no evidence of any CALx-related CSS. "View CSS" shows no CALx styles.

                      All evidence points to CALx not locating the relevant style sheet. When CSS is placed directly in head, it sort of works (but incompletely, which points possibly to CSS conflicts - although CALx styles are specific enough to avoid conflicts, it would seem).

                      I’ve tried adding stylesheet link in the head (and removing and adding back in the CSS param in the call) with no luck.
                      I am using the "Chunck_CSS_Model" trio of stylesheets, made 3 chunks, specified in params, still no load.
                      All files in CALx folder in Snippets folder (with CSS as Chunks)
                      JS enabled in browser (FF3/Mac)
                      Cache cleared a million times, browser and Manager
                      Made sure I"m only using latest version of files I can find, etc etc.
                      Read through forum 3 times now (found some great fixes for other stuff, but nothing for this styling problem)

                      I would really appreciate any ideas! I’d very much like to use CALx, but time is running out embarrassed

                      Question about one thing I noticed in the snippet (Warning: Total php ignorance follows...):
                      there is:

                      and about 8 lines later:

                      Are these causing some sort of conflict? But like I say, I know nothing about it -- just grasping at straws at this point!

                      Thanks in advance!