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  • Seems, when they came here and wanted the MODx community to work this out for version 1.8 (first page of posts -- I believe that is what he wanted) we dropped the ball, and they moved on.

    In any case, I found this thread:


    I will look and see if this is a item I can use instead of continuing to build the modx based one I am from scratch. If so, I will attempt to get it to them and us, in the next couple of weeks and possibly get it added to their source forge downloads.

      Get your copy of MODX Revolution Building the Web Your Way http://www.sanitypress.com/books/modx-revolution-building-the-web-your-way.html

      Check out my MODX || xPDO resources here: http://www.shawnwilkerson.com
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      • 19 Posts
      Did anything ever come of this? I am possibly starting on an integration now, but I am by no means a php super-hero. I was just wondering if anyone here has a good start at this yet? I see that see posts are pretty old, so hopefully someone here has. Thanks in advance.
      • yes. I'm raising this thread from the dead.

        I've downloaded the latest Drupal version of Civi and am looking at the files indicated 10 years ago. While there obviously has been a lot of dev on the CRM, reading through the CMS files, what I'm seeing is that these files allow Civi to interact with the user permissions, create users, manage users and then be allowed to run within the system.

        I don't think, even though much time has passed, that this is utterly impossible or much more of a massive undertaking then it was back in the day. will be plodding through it.

          Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
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