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    • 31335
    • 47 Posts
    Add antileech protection. Please smiley
      • 15987
      • 786 Posts
      Quote from: kylej at Feb 28, 2006, 05:19 PM

      *******Update: 03/18/06**********
      There was an error in the file download.php, I have updated the file in the zip.

      Just a minor fix, the downloads did not work correctly, I could have sworn this was working fine when I first posted it huh
        • 15987
        • 786 Posts
        Quote from: kylej at Feb 28, 2006, 05:19 PM

        *******Update: 03/22/06**********
        Added the ability to only list a single file. There is a new parameter named getFile for this, in the snippet call you add the following if you only want the file example.txt to show: &getFile=`example.txt`.

        I have put out a requested update to give you the ability for this to only show a single file from a folder. The zip has been updated in the first post.

          • 25335
          • 5 Posts
          I hacked the snippet a little bit to be able to browse a directory structure. It’s far away from being complete, but it does what I need. Maybe someone else is able to nice it up a little bit.

          Use &browseDirectory=1 to enable it.

             Snippet Name: FileDownload
             Short Desc: Lists files in a folder for downloading.
             Created By: Kyle Jaebker
             Version: 1.5
             Example call: [!FileDownload?getFolder=`assets/js` &chkDesc=`fileinfo` &tplList=`FileDownload` &useHlt=`1` &evenClass=`evenrow` &oddClass=`oddrow`!]
             Note: The parameter getFolder is required or you will recieve no results.
                   For this snippet to work correctly you must have the following files in snippet folder
                   In a folder named filedownload put the following files:
                          filecount.txt (if you want to use the download counter, this file can be blank to start.)
                   To use the filetype images you must specify the file types and the associated image in the array imgTypes.
                   See below for an example already filled in.
             My thanks to Robin Stemp <[email protected]> for the template code example and getting the description idea going.
             Thanks as well to sottwell for the idea of descriptions in a chunk.
             Updated: 03/01/06 - Added template code and ability to get file description from a chunk.
                      03/02/06 - Added ability to include file images and changed description code for php4.
                      03/06/06 - Added code to only allow specified user groups to download files.  Added sorting capability.
                                 Added ability to show only certain extensions.
                                 Added ability for logged-in user to delete files, you must specify which group.
                      03/08/06 - Added download counting.
                                 Added ability to use snippet multiple times on a page.
                      03/22/06 - Added ability to show only one file.
              &getFolder  = Folder to use
              &getFile    = If you would like to get only one file, name it.
              &tplList    = chunk name to display download list
                  The chunk is currently split into 3 parts, separated by <hr>
                      1: Header
                      2: Each items row, or data
                              Placeholders to use:
                                  [+filename+]        - Displays the filename
                                  [+description+]     - Displays the description if included in a chunk
                                  [+sizetext+]        - Displays the file size
                                  [+date+]            - Displays the modified date
                                  [+link]             - Displays the download link
                                  [+image+]           - Displays the filetype image if included
                                  [+delete+]          - Displays the delete link if allowed
                                  [+counter+]         - Displays the number of times downloaded
                      3: Footer
              &chkDesc    = Chunk name that contains the file descriptions
                  The chunk should look like the following example (everything between the *******):
                      test.pdf|This is a test pdf. It shows report stuff.
                      options.gif|These are the options available to you.
                  The filename and description are seperated by a |
                  Each file needs to be on its own line.
              &userSort   = Order you would like to sort files (defaults to name): name, date, type, size
              &sortOrder  = Sort the files in ascending (default) or descending order: asc, desc
              &showExt    = Show the selected file types, leave blank for all.  Default is all types.
                            Use a list to show multiple types: &showExt=`zip,jpg,png,doc`
              &downloadGroups = Allow only certain user groups to download files, the list of files will display but
                                the user will get a message if they are not in the specified group.
                                Use a comma-delimited list in your snippet call i.e. &downloadGroups=`group1,group2`
                                You can change the message the user sees in the variable $loginmsg
              &deleteGroups = Allow only certain user groups to delete files
                                Use a comma-delimited list in your snippet call i.e. &deleteGroups=`group1,group2`
                                You can change the message the user sees in the variables $delText,$delSuccess,$delError
              &downloadCount = If you would like to track download counts set this to 1, you can use the placeholder to display the count.
              &useHlt     = If you want table row highlighting set to 1.
              &oddClass   = Set the row class for odd rows.
              &evenClass  = Set the Row class for the even rows.
              $imgLocat   = Location of folder for filetype images
                              Example: assets/templates/coda/images/filetype
              &browseDirectories = Allows to browse through directory structure (defaults to false)
          // Folder to get the file list from.  Can be set from snippet call
          $getFolder = isset($getFolder)? $getFolder : 'No Folder Specified';
          // If you only want one file to be outputed.  Set in snippet call
          $getFile = isset($getFile)? $getFile : '';
          // Template chunk for displaying list of downloads
          $tplList = isset($tplList)? $tplList : '';
          // Chunk for file descriptions
          $chkDesc = isset($chkDesc)? $chkDesc : '';
          // Sort order for files.  Choices are: name, date, type, size
          $userSort = isset($userSort)? $userSort : 'name';
          // Sort ascending or descending. Choices are: asc, desc
          $sortOrder = isset($sortOrder)? $sortOrder : 'asc';
          // Show only selected filtypes. Use a comma-delimited list.  i.e. `zip,jpg,txt`
          $showExt = isset($showExt)? $showExt : '';
          // Allow only certain groups to download files, use a comma seperated list in your snippet call, leave blank for all
          $downloadGroups = isset($downloadGroups)? $downloadGroups : '';
          // Allow only certain groups to delete files, use a comma seperated list in your snippet call, leave blank for none
          $deleteGroups = isset($deleteGroups)? $deleteGroups : '';
          // Set to 1 if you want to count the number of downloads.  Use placeholder [+counter+] to show.
          $downloadCount = isset($downloadCount)? $downloadCount : 0;
          // Use even/Odd row highlighting? pass in 1 if you want to use the row highlighting.
          $useHlt = isset($useHlt)? $useHlt : '0';
          // Odd Row Class
          $oddClass = isset($oddClass)? $oddClass : '';
          // Even Row Class
          $evenClass = isset($evenClass)? $evenClass : '';
          // Location of images to use - leave blank if you do not want images
          $imgLocat = isset($imgLocat)? $imgLocat : '';
          // Array to set image to use for different file types
          $imgTypes = array(
                          'jpg' => 'file-image.png',
                          'png' => 'file-image.png',
                          'pdf' => 'file-pdf.png',
                          'txt' => 'file-document.png',
                          'zip' => 'file-archive.png',
                          'default' => 'file-generic.png',
          // Allows to browse through directory structure
          $browseDirectories = isset($browseDirectories)? $browseDirectories : FALSE;
             Language variables - you can set these to whatever you want
          $loginmsg = 'You must login to download this file.';
          $delText = 'Delete'; //This can be an image as well. It will be placed inside of the delete href.  Just type the whole image tag in the quotes, i.e. <img src='images/del.png' alt='Delete File'/>
          $delSuccess = 'Deleted file: ';
          $delError = 'There was an error deleting the file: ';
          //  Do not modify below this line
          // initialize the output
          $output = '';
          $snippetPath = $modx->config['base_path'] . "assets/snippets/";
          include_once $snippetPath."filedownload/filedownload.inc.php";
          $download = "assets/snippets/filedownload/download.php";
          $fileCount = "assets/snippets/filedownload/filecount.txt";
          $dwnPath = base64_encode($getFolder);
          if ($browseDirectories) {
              $relPath = urldecode($_GET['relPath']);
              // Just for safety, directory traversal should not be possible
              $relPath = strtr($relPath, '../', '');
              $dwnPath .= $relPath;
              $currentpageid = $modx->documentObject['id'];
          if (isset($_GET['act']) && isset($_GET['name'])) {
              if ($_GET['act'] == 'del') {
                  $delFiles = getFiles($getFolder,$userSort,$sortOrder,$showExt);
                  foreach ($delFiles as $dFile) {
                    if ($dFile['delete'] == $_GET['name']) {
                      $dfilename = "{$getFolder}/{$dFile['name']}";
                      $delReturn = unlink($dfilename);
                      if ($delReturn) {
                          $output .= "<p>{$delSuccess}{$dFile['name']}</p>";
                      } else {
                          $output .= "<p>{$delError}{$dFile['name']}</p>";
             Create the Output
          // Prepare the template for displaying
          if ($tplList=='') {
              $tpl = getTemplateArray(getDownloadListTpl());
          } else {
              $tpl = getTemplateArray($modx->getChunk($tplList));
          $files = getFiles($getFolder.$relPath,$userSort,$sortOrder,$showExt,$getFile);
          // Add the header from the template
          $strTpl = $tpl['header'];
          if (is_array($files)) {
              // Get the description information if a chunk is specified.
              if ($chkDesc !== '') {
                  $descrip = $modx->getChunk($chkDesc);
                  $aDesc = explode("\n", $descrip);
                  foreach ($aDesc as $fileDesc) {
                      $fileInfo = explode("|", $fileDesc);
                      foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                          $myFile =& $files[$key];
                          if ($myFile['name'] == $fileInfo[0]) {
                              $myFile['description'] = $fileInfo[1];
              // Add the count information if specified.
              if ($downloadCount) {
                  if(!$handle = fopen($fileCount,'r+')) {
                      return "file open failed: $fileCount";
                  } else {
                      $i = 0;
                      while ((list($fname,$count) = fgetcsv($handle, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
                          $arCount[$i]['name'] = $fname;
                          $arCount[$i]['count']  = $count;
                  foreach ( $arCount as $fCount ) {
                      foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                          $myFile =& $files[$key];
                          if ($myFile['name'] == $fCount['name']) {
                              $myFile['count'] = $fCount['count'];
              // Add the file images if specified
              if ($imgLocat !== '') {
                  foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                      $myFile =& $files[$key];
                      $extension = substr($myFile['name'],-3);
                      foreach ($imgTypes as $imgtype => $image) {
                        if (stristr($extension,$imgtype)) {
                          $myFile['image'] = $image;
                        } else {
                          $myFile['image'] = $imgTypes['default'];
              $canDownload = $downloadGroups=='' || $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",", $downloadGroups));
              $canDelete = $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",", $deleteGroups));
              $i = 0;
              $fields = array('[+filename+]','[+sizetext+]','[+description+]','[+date+]','[+image+]','[+link+]','[+counter+]');
              // Create link to parent directory
              if ($relPath) {
                  $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
                  if ($useHlt) {
                    if ($i++ & 1) {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$oddClass'>",$tpl2);
                    } else {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$evenClass'>",$tpl2);
                  $date = date('Y-m-d', filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $getFolder.$relPath));
                  $relPathParts = explode('/', $relPath);
                  $fileLink = $currentpageid . (count($relPathParts)>1 ? '?relPath=' . implode('/', $relPathParts) : '');
                  $values = array('↑','-','',$date,$fileImage,$fileLink,'');
                  $tpl2 = str_replace($fields, $values, $tpl2);
                  $strTpl .= $tpl2;
              // Create each files output.
              foreach ($files as $file) {
                  $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
                  if ($useHlt) {
                    if ($i++ & 1) {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$oddClass'>",$tpl2);
                    } else {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$evenClass'>",$tpl2);
                  $fileImage = "<img src='{$imgLocat}/{$file['image']}' alt='Filetype image' />";
                  if ($canDownload) {
                      if ($downloadCount) {
                          $fileLink = "{$download}?path={$dwnPath}&fileName={$file['name']}";
                      } else {
                          if (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $getFolder.$relPath . '/' . $file['name'])) {
                              $fullPath = $getFolder.$relPath;
                              $fileLink = "{$fullPath}/{$file['name']}";
                          } else {
                              $fileLink = $currentpageid . '?relPath=' . $relPath . '/' .
                  } else {
                      $fileLink = "javascript:alert('$loginmsg')";
                  $values = array($file['name'],$file['sizetext'],$file['description'],$file['date'],$fileImage,$fileLink,$file['count']);
                  $tpl2 = str_replace($fields, $values, $tpl2);
                  if ($canDelete) {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("[+delete+]","<a href='[~[*id*]~]?act=del&name={$file['delete']}'>{$delText}</a>",$tpl2);
                  } else {
                      $tpl2 = str_replace("[+delete+]","",$tpl2);
                  $strTpl .= $tpl2;
          } else {
              $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
              $tpl2 = str_replace("[+filename+]",$files,$tpl2);
              $strTpl .= $tpl2;
          // Add the footer from the template
          $strTpl .= $tpl['footer'];
          $output .= $strTpl;
             Output file list
          return $output;
            • 15987
            • 786 Posts
            Do you have an example of this that we could take a look at. Sounds interesting.

              • 25335
              • 5 Posts
              I’m just working on a client site. I think I’ll post a link in a few days or so.
                • 25335
                • 5 Posts
                Ok, please check


                to see the whole thing in action.

                I made some additional changes, so this is the latest version:

                   Snippet Name: FileDownload
                   Short Desc: Lists files in a folder for downloading.
                   Created By: Kyle Jaebker
                   Version: 1.5
                   Example call: [!FileDownload?getFolder=`assets/js` &chkDesc=`fileinfo` &tplList=`FileDownload` &useHlt=`1` &evenClass=`evenrow` &oddClass=`oddrow`!]
                   Note: The parameter getFolder is required or you will recieve no results.
                         For this snippet to work correctly you must have the following files in snippet folder
                         In a folder named filedownload put the following files:
                                filecount.txt (if you want to use the download counter, this file can be blank to start.)
                         To use the filetype images you must specify the file types and the associated image in the array imgTypes.
                         See below for an example already filled in.
                   My thanks to Robin Stemp <[email protected]> for the template code example and getting the description idea going.
                   Thanks as well to sottwell for the idea of descriptions in a chunk.
                   Updated: 03/01/06 - Added template code and ability to get file description from a chunk.
                            03/02/06 - Added ability to include file images and changed description code for php4.
                            03/06/06 - Added code to only allow specified user groups to download files.  Added sorting capability.
                                       Added ability to show only certain extensions.
                                       Added ability for logged-in user to delete files, you must specify which group.
                            03/08/06 - Added download counting.
                                       Added ability to use snippet multiple times on a page.
                            03/22/06 - Added ability to show only one file.
                    &getFolder  = Folder to use
                    &getFile    = If you would like to get only one file, name it.
                    &tplList    = chunk name to display download list
                        The chunk is currently split into 3 parts, separated by <hr>
                            1: Header
                            2: Each items row, or data
                                    Placeholders to use:
                                        [+filename+]        - Displays the filename
                                        [+description+]     - Displays the description if included in a chunk
                                        [+sizetext+]        - Displays the file size
                                        [+date+]            - Displays the modified date
                                        [+link]             - Displays the download link
                                        [+image+]           - Displays the filetype image if included
                                        [+delete+]          - Displays the delete link if allowed
                                        [+counter+]         - Displays the number of times downloaded
                            3: Footer
                    &chkDesc    = Chunk name that contains the file descriptions
                        The chunk should look like the following example (everything between the *******):
                            test.pdf|This is a test pdf. It shows report stuff.
                            options.gif|These are the options available to you.
                        The filename and description are seperated by a |
                        Each file needs to be on its own line.
                    &userSort   = Order you would like to sort files (defaults to name): name, date, type, size
                    &sortOrder  = Sort the files in ascending (default) or descending order: asc, desc
                    &showExt    = Show the selected file types, leave blank for all.  Default is all types.
                                  Use a list to show multiple types: &showExt=`zip,jpg,png,doc`
                    &downloadGroups = Allow only certain user groups to download files, the list of files will display but
                                      the user will get a message if they are not in the specified group.
                                      Use a comma-delimited list in your snippet call i.e. &downloadGroups=`group1,group2`
                                      You can change the message the user sees in the variable $loginmsg
                    &deleteGroups = Allow only certain user groups to delete files
                                      Use a comma-delimited list in your snippet call i.e. &deleteGroups=`group1,group2`
                                      You can change the message the user sees in the variables $delText,$delSuccess,$delError
                    &downloadCount = If you would like to track download counts set this to 1, you can use the placeholder to display the count.
                    &useHlt     = If you want table row highlighting set to 1.
                    &oddClass   = Set the row class for odd rows.
                    &evenClass  = Set the Row class for the even rows.
                    $imgLocat   = Location of folder for filetype images
                                    Example: assets/templates/coda/images/filetype
                    &browseDirectories = Allows to browse through directory structure (defaults to false)
                // Folder to get the file list from.  Can be set from snippet call
                $getFolder = isset($getFolder)? $getFolder : 'No Folder Specified';
                // If you only want one file to be outputed.  Set in snippet call
                $getFile = isset($getFile)? $getFile : '';
                // Template chunk for displaying list of downloads
                $tplList = isset($tplList)? $tplList : '';
                // Chunk for file descriptions
                $chkDesc = isset($chkDesc)? $chkDesc : '';
                // Sort order for files.  Choices are: name, date, type, size
                $userSort = isset($userSort)? $userSort : 'name';
                // Sort ascending or descending. Choices are: asc, desc
                $sortOrder = isset($sortOrder)? $sortOrder : 'asc';
                // Show only selected filtypes. Use a comma-delimited list.  i.e. `zip,jpg,txt`
                $showExt = isset($showExt)? $showExt : '';
                // Allow only certain groups to download files, use a comma seperated list in your snippet call, leave blank for all
                $downloadGroups = isset($downloadGroups)? $downloadGroups : '';
                // Allow only certain groups to delete files, use a comma seperated list in your snippet call, leave blank for none
                $deleteGroups = isset($deleteGroups)? $deleteGroups : '';
                // Set to 1 if you want to count the number of downloads.  Use placeholder [+counter+] to show.
                $downloadCount = isset($downloadCount)? $downloadCount : 0;
                // Use even/Odd row highlighting? pass in 1 if you want to use the row highlighting.
                $useHlt = isset($useHlt)? $useHlt : '0';
                // Odd Row Class
                $oddClass = isset($oddClass)? $oddClass : '';
                // Even Row Class
                $evenClass = isset($evenClass)? $evenClass : '';
                // Location of images to use - leave blank if you do not want images
                $imgLocat = isset($imgLocat)? $imgLocat : '';
                // Array to set image to use for different file types
                $imgTypes = array(
                                'jpg' => 'page_white_picture-trans.png',
                                'gif' => 'page_white_picture-trans.png',
                                'png' => 'page_white_picture-trans.png',
                                'pdf' => 'page_white_acrobat-trans.png',
                                'mp3' => 'sound-trans.png',
                                'txt' => 'page_white_text-trans.png',
                                'zip' => 'page_white_zip-trans.png',
                                'sit' => 'page_white_zip-trans.png',
                                'rar' => 'page_white_zip-trans.png',
                                'dmg' => 'page_white_zip-trans.png',
                                'folder' => 'folder-trans.png',
                                'parent' => 'arrow_up-trans.png',
                                'default' => 'page_white-trans.png'
                // Allows to browse through directory structure
                $browseDirectories = isset($browseDirectories)? $browseDirectories : FALSE;
                   Language variables - you can set these to whatever you want
                $loginmsg = 'You must login to download this file.';
                $delText = 'Delete'; //This can be an image as well. It will be placed inside of the delete href.  Just type the whole image tag in the quotes, i.e. <img src='images/del.png' alt='Delete File'/>
                $delSuccess = 'Deleted file: ';
                $delError = 'There was an error deleting the file: ';
                //  Do not modify below this line
                // initialize the output
                $output = '';
                $snippetPath = $modx->config['base_path'] . "assets/snippets/";
                include_once $snippetPath."filedownload/filedownload.inc.php";
                $download = "assets/snippets/filedownload/download.php";
                $fileCount = "assets/snippets/filedownload/filecount.txt";
                $dwnPath = base64_encode($getFolder);
                if ($browseDirectories) {
                    $relPath = urldecode($_GET['relPath']);
                    // Just for safety, directory traversal should not be possible
                    $relPath = strtr($relPath, '../', '');
                    $dwnPath .= $relPath;
                    $currentpageid = $modx->documentObject['id'];
                if (isset($_GET['act']) && isset($_GET['name'])) {
                    if ($_GET['act'] == 'del') {
                        $delFiles = getFiles($getFolder,$userSort,$sortOrder,$showExt);
                        foreach ($delFiles as $dFile) {
                          if ($dFile['delete'] == $_GET['name']) {
                            $dfilename = "{$getFolder}/{$dFile['name']}";
                            $delReturn = unlink($dfilename);
                            if ($delReturn) {
                                $output .= "<p>{$delSuccess}{$dFile['name']}</p>";
                            } else {
                                $output .= "<p>{$delError}{$dFile['name']}</p>";
                   Create the Output
                // Prepare the template for displaying
                if ($tplList=='') {
                    $tpl = getTemplateArray(getDownloadListTpl());
                } else {
                    $tpl = getTemplateArray($modx->getChunk($tplList));
                $files = getFiles($getFolder.$relPath,$userSort,$sortOrder,$showExt,$getFile);
                // Add the header from the template
                if ($browseDirectories) {
                    $tpl['header'] = str_replace('[+path+]', ($relPath ? $relPath : '/'), $tpl['header']);
                $strTpl = $tpl['header'];
                if (is_array($files)) {
                    // Get the description information if a chunk is specified.
                    if ($chkDesc !== '') {
                        $descrip = $modx->getChunk($chkDesc);
                        $aDesc = explode("\n", $descrip);
                        foreach ($aDesc as $fileDesc) {
                            $fileInfo = explode("|", $fileDesc);
                            foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                                $myFile =& $files[$key];
                                if ($myFile['name'] == $fileInfo[0]) {
                                    $myFile['description'] = $fileInfo[1];
                    // Add the count information if specified.
                    if ($downloadCount) {
                        if(!$handle = fopen($fileCount,'r+')) {
                            return "file open failed: $fileCount";
                        } else {
                            $i = 0;
                            while ((list($fname,$count) = fgetcsv($handle, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
                                $arCount[$i]['name'] = $fname;
                                $arCount[$i]['count']  = $count;
                        foreach ( $arCount as $fCount ) {
                            foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                                $myFile =& $files[$key];
                                if ($myFile['name'] == $fCount['name']) {
                                    $myFile['count'] = $fCount['count'];
                    // Add the file images if specified
                    if ($imgLocat !== '') {
                        foreach ( array_keys($files) as $key ) {
                            $myFile =& $files[$key];
                            $extension = substr($myFile['name'], -(strrpos('.',$myFile['name'])));
                            foreach ($imgTypes as $imgtype => $image) {
                              if (stristr($extension,$imgtype)) {
                                $myFile['image'] = $image;
                              } else {
                                $myFile['image'] = $imgTypes['default'];
                    $canDownload = $downloadGroups=='' || $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",", $downloadGroups));
                    $canDelete = $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",", $deleteGroups));
                    $i = 0;
                    $fields = array('[+filename+]','[+sizetext+]','[+description+]','[+date+]','[+image+]','[+link+]','[+counter+]');
                    // Create link to parent directory
                    if ($relPath) {
                        $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
                        if ($useHlt) {
                          if ($i++ & 1) {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$oddClass'>",$tpl2);
                          } else {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$evenClass'>",$tpl2);
                        $date = date('Y-m-d H:i', filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $getFolder.$relPath));
                        $relPathParts = explode('/', $relPath);
                        $fileImage = "<img src='{$imgLocat}/{$imgTypes['parent']}' alt='' />";
                        $fileLink = '[~' . $currentpageid . '~]' . (count($relPathParts)>1 ? '?relPath=' . implode('/', $relPathParts) : '');
                        $values = array('../','-','',$date,$fileImage,$fileLink,'');
                        $tpl2 = str_replace($fields, $values, $tpl2);
                        $strTpl .= $tpl2;
                    // Create each files output.
                    foreach ($files as $file) {
                        $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
                        if ($useHlt) {
                          if ($i++ & 1) {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$oddClass'>",$tpl2);
                          } else {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("<tr>","<tr class='$evenClass'>",$tpl2);
                        $fileImage = "<img src='{$imgLocat}/{$file['image']}' alt='' />";
                        if ($canDownload) {
                            if ($downloadCount) {
                                $fileLink = "{$download}?path={$dwnPath}&fileName={$file['name']}";
                            } else {
                                if (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $getFolder.$relPath . '/' . $file['name'])) {
                                    $fullPath = $getFolder.$relPath;
                                    $fileLink = "{$fullPath}/{$file['name']}";
                                } else {
                                    $fileLink = '[~' . $currentpageid . '~]' . '?relPath=' . $relPath . '/' .
                                    $fileImage = "<img src='{$imgLocat}/{$imgTypes['folder']}' alt='' />";
                                    $file['sizetext'] = '-';
                                    $file['name'] = '<em>' . $file['name'] . '</em>';
                        } else {
                            $fileLink = "javascript:alert('$loginmsg')";
                        $values = array($file['name'],$file['sizetext'],$file['description'],$file['date'],$fileImage,$fileLink,$file['count']);
                        $tpl2 = str_replace($fields, $values, $tpl2);
                        if ($canDelete) {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("[+delete+]","<a href='[~[*id*]~]?act=del&name={$file['delete']}'>{$delText}</a>",$tpl2);
                        } else {
                            $tpl2 = str_replace("[+delete+]","",$tpl2);
                        $strTpl .= $tpl2;
                } else {
                    $tpl2 = $tpl['row'];
                    $tpl2 = str_replace("[+filename+]",$files,$tpl2);
                    $strTpl .= $tpl2;
                // Add the footer from the template
                $strTpl .= $tpl['footer'];
                $output .= $strTpl;
                   Output file list
                return $output;
                  • 15987
                  • 786 Posts
                  I like the changes you have made to the snippet. The tree browsing looks really nice.

                  Quote from: Roc at Apr 22, 2006, 07:37 PM

                  I made some additional changes, so this is the latest version:

                  Anything of note on these new changes, or was it all related to the tree browsing?

                    • 25335
                    • 5 Posts
                    I think the best thing to see the changes is to run a diff command on the versions. Most things are related to tree browsing.

                    What I also did:

                    $extension = substr($myFile['name'], -(strrpos('.',$myFile['name'])));

                    This should enable file extensions to be detected, that have more or less than 3 characters, e.g. ’.jpeg’, ’.tiff’ or ’.gz’.

                    I also set the alt attribute for the file icons to blank cause these images are just decorative ones (my personal opinion, but other people may think different). Decorative images should have an empty alt value, since it makes no sense when a screen reader gives out the words "filetype image" for example.
                      • 7923
                      • 4,213 Posts
                      Quote from: Roc at Apr 22, 2006, 07:37 PM

                      Ok, please check


                      to see the whole thing in action.

                      I made some additional changes, so this is the latest version:
                      Looks and sounds great! Good work, this has grown to be a really great snippet!

                        "He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."