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  • It might be possible to hack the parser to just read in those files then eval() their contents, instead of having them run and using their output... it seems a bit drastic just to support Windows servers with restrictive policies though.
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      • 34162
      • 1 Posts
      Here are my errors when logging into the manager...
      I substituted part of the string with myWebsite.com\ for those of you scoring at home, don’t worry about that, no I don’t own myWebsite.com sad
      Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php:1) in myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php on line 38
      Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php:1) in myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php on line 38
      Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php:1) in myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\processors\login.processor.php on line 254
      Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\includes\config.inc.php:1) in myWebsite.com\www\modX921\manager\processors\login.processor.php on line 277

      This thread heretoFore aptly named "...beating a dead horse!"

      I had to add this code snippet to see the error’s because of my host (why else):
      ini_set ("display_startup_errors", "1");
      ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

      I could probably add that to the config file to see error’s on all pages then?
      ALso from a web forum, and maybe one of my many problem’s are php session prob’s, they suggest the following if the app requires
      "register_globals=on" doing a search of the modX folder I didn’t find that string, unless my search missed it so maybe all of the code below, wouldn’t need to be added anyplace?
      ### register_globals = off ### +++
      while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
             $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
      while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
             $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
      while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_POST_FILES)) {
             $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
      while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) {
             $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
      ### register_globals = off ### ---

      More on beating a dead horse known as IIS later... die mule die!!! lol, I’ve definately lost it.
        • 32963
        • 1,732 Posts
        Hi tzmedia,

        I can see that the great IIS is giving you hell smiley

        Well first things first.

        1) You need to make sure that PHP sessions are working fine. If you’re giving a php.ini then you need to configure to store sessions in the appropriate path.

        2) You must have write permissions on assets/cache, assets/cache/sitePublishing.idx.php, assetss/cache/siteCache.idx.php and manager/includes/config.inc.php

        3) Your MySQL Database user account must be given full access to the Database that you have created for MODx.

        4) Upload your modx files (chances are tha file was not uploaded properly) and run the install.

        5) Select the upgrade option (if available)

          The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
          MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
          • 34162
          • 1 Posts
          Quote from: xwisdom at May 10, 2006, 10:24 PM

          I’ll just repond to each of the comments then...

          1) You need to make sure that PHP sessions are working fine. If you’re giving a php.ini then you need to configure to store sessions in the appropriate path. How would I do this is there a simple script page to test with?

          2) You must have write permissions on assets/cache, assets/cache/sitePublishing.idx.php, assetss/cache/siteCache.idx.php and manager/includes/config.inc.php
          What are the manager error’s I posted earlier, I’ve got no way to debug, and am not going to be of any use as a windows admin, wish I knew more

          3) Your MySQL Database user account must be given full access to the Database that you have created for MODx.
          Wouldn’t think this to be a problem.

          4) Upload your modx files (chances are tha file was not uploaded properly) and run the install. I think I’d have to disagree, might be worth one more try, but no.

          5) Select the upgrade option (if available). I’ve given up on this install, and this host.
          When I get a new host maybe I’ll try again hopefully succesfully, no doubt.

          Meanwhile I may try a local install and play around with the app.
          For my current Window’s host, and so far I can’t confirm if other Window’s hosts are any better or worse, I’ll try setting up a WordPress, as they are offering that as an express install. If they can’t support me setting up that, then I’ll be outta there quicker than you can whistle the Mayberry theme song... lol!#!
            • 34162
            • 1 Posts
            Yes, I’ll take ModXCMS for one thousand...
            If given what we know about my tight-@$$ed windows host, would I of had any better luck installing the app locally using whatever local server I could run?

            Are the write permissions everyone is telling me I need a one time only deal, or do they get written each and every time somebody visits the pages?????

            If certain variables get filled in when the app first run’s maybe I could have better luck installing modX locally, and then searching the string and replacing it with whatever is required for Windows iiS or is it BS.
            Any comment’s... time sensitive I’ll probably be deleting the database soon. I only have one mySQL online.

            I think it’s good advice to figure out how sessions work on my host, and I don’t really know how to do that.
            Recommend a book, tutorial, or something maybe, I don’t know... thanks yo!
              • 32963
              • 1,732 Posts
              Try asking your ISP is php sessions are configured propertly. You can however run phpinfo() to get some information about your sessions.


              All my modx installations uses IIS. So I have no problem with it thus far
                The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
                MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
                • 34162
                • 1 Posts
                Thanks for your suggestion xWsdm..
                I ran a small server check from bitweaver.org, and have it running here:
                Does any of this indicate there was a problem on my server, going clear to the bottom
                And clicking All your PHP settings, and on that page shows alot of PHP information pertaining to my server.

                Can anyone endorse this download as a quick and easy debug to make sure server settings are correct for new users, No I am not endorsing bitweaver, I just happened to find this little goodie, downloaded it and now I have a handle on a few more things my current host server will won’t do.

                For the record I’ve laid to rest my modX install, I only had one mySQL and I offed it today to try running something else. I was hoping to turn up more information for other new users also trying to do a windows install, with minimal Admin skills, like me. But I think there’s very little of any use in this thread and possibly some mis-information, you’ll have that when dealing with newbies, all good.

                Tried installing wordpress today, in the wordpress install there was a line that had a blank for "local host", and it said in the comment’s 99% of the time you won’t need to change that. Is there something similar in the modX install that says localHost that I may have inadvertently changed in the config.inc.php specifically?
                  • 32963
                  • 1,732 Posts
                  Hi ,

                  Your sever settings seems ok. The only that’s needs to be tested is your php session.

                  As for using MODx with your existing db you can change table prefix. This means that MODx can co-exists with other applications under the same DB. You can even have more than one MODx installation under the same DB, The only problem is that the other installations will have the same access rights to your tables.

                    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
                    MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
                    • 34162
                    • 1 Posts
                    Thanks, mrX...
                    I deleted that setup, at least the database files, I think I’m going to be better served to get a new host, that allows me to set my own permissions. I’ve got a whole lot to learn about my SQL databases, I’d hate to have shared applications in there, and mixing up or worse deleting anything.

                    It’s just taking too long at my current host with support ticket’s taking almost 24 hours to resolve or longer, and them using that first 24 hours to say, well this had to be escalated to 2nd level support, like somebody that knows what they are doing, or just a stall technique. They are not a good host for development purposes, freebie is great, but who needs free aggravation. lol.

                    Sort of reminds me of the old AT & T ruse, when I had them for an ISP, they would have me on hold for hours before getting to talk to anybody.

                    I’ve got a new host in mind that I’ve been checking into, that might just be a great way to go, the price is sure, right.
                    And they have a control panel setup using Plesk, that I’m hoping will serve the purposes. People have been recommending Cpanel, but I’m not sure there’s a windows version of that. Meanwhile I’ve got an Apache Xampp install at home to play around with, setting up modX.

                    How does the buddy list on the Instant messages work. I thought it might be nice to have a group in there for windows hosting users problem’s, to bounce ideas and solutions off of, and not bother the Apache peep’s around here wink
                    Get some people with some experience migrating modX to a working IIS server and heading off all of the problem’s.
                    That was the plan when I started this thread was to be a help, not a hinderance.
                    thanks again.
                      • 32963
                      • 1,732 Posts
                      Yeah you might want to try other options.

                      Once PHP is configured correctly on a windows box all should work well with IIS. From my experience HSphere Control Panel works great with modx on a windows host. HSphere makes it very easy to get MODx to work with friendly urls using IIS.

                      Best regards,
                        The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
                        MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.