Yes, there are issues with MODx 1.1 and upper.
I was using Easy2 Gallery with MODx 1.0.14 or 1.0.15.
Hardoman, when telling about an issue with some component, it would be useful to mention the version of the module/plugin/snippet (as well as the version of PHP).
With MODx 1.1 or MODx 1.2, one issue with Easy2 Gallery 1.4.0 Beta 4 seem coming from PHP functions being no longer supported.
For instance, in assets/modules/easy2/includes/classes/e2g.snippet.class.php, at line 1278, the "mysql_query()" command fails :
$res = mysql_query($q);
if (!$res) {
return; // asuming there are multiple gids
if ($option === 'alias') {
while ($l = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
Replacing by $modx->db->query() works.
The same with mysql_fetch_array(), a.s.o.
With the latest version of Easy2 Gallery (1.4.14), downloaded from, another error message arise:
Table 'YourDatabaseName.modx_easy2_configs' doesn't exist
I cannot see any "install" folder in the archive where to pick the SQL statements to create that table.
I assume it contains the key value pairs that were previously in file "config.easy2gallery.php".
Edit: There is an installer at "/assets/modules/easy2/install/", but is outdated.
[ed. note: Jul last edited this post 8 years, 2 months ago.]