This question has been answered by onx1764. See the first response.
<ul class="dis-list h-group"> [[+posts]] </ul> [[+pagination:notempty=` <div class="paginate stand-alone bottom horiz-list">[[+pagination]]</div>`]]
(assuming i have the right pagination). What is your's coming up as?
I found this in one tpl, but only trial and error can tell us if this is the right one:
<li><span title="[[+text]]" data-link="[[+url]]">[[+text]]</span></li>
My suggestion is that you may need to make a custom snippet here, otherwise i don't know how we can force makeURL do the right thing.Well, omitted that Discuss runs at version 1.2.2(dev). Problem is fixed by using the build.php snippet from version 1.2-pl which can be found here: /core/components/discuss/hooks/pagination/build.php. If anyone uses the version too and something goes wrong it might be a good guess to compare code with older versions. Could be done directly on github: