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    • 40931
    • 4 Posts
    I just finished the upgrade and all works well on the site except for the Manager. When I start the manager I get the initial configuration screen. When I hit save, the screen goes to my sites homepage and nothing gets saved. It is the same for all elements.

    What can I do to fix this?

      • 22840
      • 1,572 Posts
      Sounds like permissions or missing/corrupt files, it's probably going to the sites home page because thats set as your 404 page ?

      First thing to try is to re upload all the files and see if that fixes it
        • 40931
        • 4 Posts
        Tried that and several other things. I just restored the backup to get back up an running. Looks like I have to do some more testing before I do the upgrade.
          • 10174
          • 15 Posts
          Hi Suplitas,
          We had the same problem which persists after the upgrade to 1.2
          Did you find the reason?

          SOLVED by disabling ModSecurity, savin g the configuration and enabling ModSecurity afterwards. [ed. note: friedaweb last edited this post 8 years, 2 months ago.]