Hi there,
just updated a MODX installation to the current version 1.1, which went pretty much without a problem
pages that had a MaxiGallery call would throw an error though:
« MODX Parse Error »
Error : mysql_query(): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Error information
ErrorType[num] WARNING[2]
File [...]/assets/snippets/maxigallery/maxigallery.php
Line 241
Source $query=mysql_query("DESC $mg->pics_tbl");
Current Snippet MaxiGallery
in line 241 of maxigallery.php I changed
$query=mysql_query("DESC $mg->pics_tbl");
$query = $modx->db->query("DESC $mg->pics_tbl");
which solved the problem. Galleries are displayed fine,
but there's no "upload picture" button to upload and manage galleries
my Snippet calls are:
[!MaxiGallery? &pictureTpl=`mgPicture` &display=`pictureview` &max_pic_size=`420x320` &max_thumb_size=`60x45` &max_pic_number=`6` &keep_bigimg=`1` &max_big_size=`750x550` &quality_big=`70`!]
[!MaxiGallery? &galleryPictureTpl=`mgGalleryPicture` &galleryOuterTpl=`mgGalleryOuter` &js=`assets/templates/holzundart/mygallery.js` &manage_target=`56`!]
[+maxigallery.managebutton:isnot=``:then=`<center>[+maxigallery.managebutton+]</center><br />`+]
the pictures show up, but no managebutton
and on the gallery manager page (ID56):
[!MaxiGallery? &pictureTpl=`mgPicture` &display=`pictureview` &max_pic_size=`420x320` &max_thumb_size=`60x45` &is_target=`1` &max_pic_number=`6` &keep_bigimg=`1` &max_big_size=`750x550` &quality_big=`70`!]
does anyone have an idea why that could be & how to solve it?
thanks a lot, cheers, j