I have multiple modx websites running on a VPS with csf/lfd plugin installed and i'm getting these error mails regularly.
It happens to different sites, on different times and it allways refers to public_html/index.php
Is this a normal amount of memory a modx Revo site uses? Or nothing to worry about.
Any ideas how to lower the memory size?
Could it be that a plugin is causing the problem?
The sites doesnt have that many visitors and are basic small company websites, with basic plugins installed, such as wayfinder, getresources, redactor, .....
Thanks for any help!
Time: Mon Jan 19 21:41:37 2015 +0100
Account: ****
Resource: Virtual Memory Size
Exceeded: 320 > 200 (MB)
Executable: /opt/php52/bin/php-cgi
Command Line: /opt/php52/bin/php-cgi /home/***/public_html/index.php
PID: 26410 (Parent PID:26330)
Killed: No
Do you have a lot of conditional output modifiers or getResources calls that involve multiple TVs?
Hi Bob,
Thanx for your fast reply.
I have no conditional outputs, there is 1 getResources call that includes TV's, but there is only 1 TV.
I do have about 10 chunk calls, a gallery call and a callendar call.
I can probably put some chunk calls together, but could that cause the high memory load?
I wouldn't think the chunks would take up very much memory.
AFAIK, MODX Revolution itself only takes up about 8 or 9 Megabytes, so your figure seems excessive. Usually, about 120 megabytes is more than enough for even a fairly large MODX site.
About how many resources is the getResources call processing and how big is the Tpl chunk it's using?
I just ran a few tests with getCollection() and getResources() and couldn't get past about 17 megabytes.
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Do you have a recursion somewhere? Like a getResources snippet that outputs the content containing the getResources snippet?
I think Susan has hit the nail on the head. It's likely that you have a loop somewhere such that the results of a tag contain the tag itself, so it loops until MODX notices the recursion and stops it.
In the simplest form, it could be a chunk with a chunk tag for itself in the content. E.g., if you have a chunk called "SomeChunk" and you have this tag in the chunk:
Similarly, a getResources tag on a page that's under the &parents specified in the tag will also loop continuously.
☆ A M B ☆
- 2,213 Posts
How are you measuring the memory usage Bob? I've got a few servers that would argue with the 17MB of ram or less theory.
I'm checking with both of these:
$mem_usage = memory_get_usage();
$peak_usage = memory_get_peak_usage(true);
$output .= "\nBefore MODX Final Memory"
. ': ' . round($mem_usage / 1048576, 2) . ' Megabytes';
$output .= "\n" . 'Peak: ' . round($peak_usage / 1048576, 2) . ' MegaBytes';
echo $output;
Is there a better way (or maybe my math is wrong)?
[ed. note: BobRay last edited this post 10 years ago.]
Thanx Susan and Bob, I did manage to find a 'loophole', it was a chunk in a chunk appearently!
Alltho i'm still getting the exact same amount of memory 320 MB usage on lfd-reports.
I checked the rest of the site for more 'loophole's, but couldnt find any.
The most complexed thing the site has is a chunck 'Top-banner' with a getResource to show the latest news and MXcalender-call to show the latest events.
GetResources searches about 20-25 resources, calendar about 30 items and pictures
Bob, i tried your code to see the memory usage on the site (it works if you remove the "*/" at the end fo your code), and with that i'm only getting a maximum peak of 20~25 MB.
But while i was checking every single page, i got an other lfd report saying it had 320 MB of Virtual Memory, so i really dont know anymore...
I think my check shows only memory used by PHP. MySql and server processes may use memory that's not detected in my code.
Is the chunk tag for your top banner chunk containing getResources in the Template or the content field of pages?