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  • Your wait is finally over for MODX Evolution progress with today’s release of MODX Evolution 1.0.9. This release primarily helps prevent PHP-apocalypse at some hosts from being an issue. Evolution 1.0.9 should work fine on PHP 5.4, and it should also be more secure. We strongly encourage all MODX Evolution users to upgrade to this release.

    Update: There was a bug found in 1.0.9 that will cause problems on installations running PHP 5.3 and below. The fix can be found in this forum post. MODX Evolution 1.0.10 will be out in the next week.

    I would especially like to express my sincere gratitude for a group of MODX Ambassadors who have assumed the roles of lead maintainers and developers for MODX Evolution: Dmytro Lukianenko (Dmi3yy), Mansori Yamamato (yama), Thomas Jakobi (jako) and Agel_Nash (Yevgeny Borisov). With these talented and trusted individuals at the helm of MODX Evolution, your Evo sites should be sound. Not only did they do a great job of managing this release, but they also began bug marshalling the Evo Project Tracker. As a result, the Evo Project tracker should see more activity and more accurately represent the outstanding issue queue; in fact they’re already planning 1.0.10.

    We’d also like to thank all the individuals who took the time to report issues and contributed to this release—huge apologies if I overlooked anyone! They include Paprikas, Vevusik, netprophet, segr, ncrossland, kp52, mithrandir, ottogal, marturion, noahlearner, devtrench, pbowyer, adamboota, tonatos, andchir, uxello, sottwell, everettg_99, david55, multimedia, manu37, temus, breezer, eoler, and a-sharapov.

    A special note for MODXers hosted at 1&1 Hosting. According to reports, they will be completely switching all servers to PHP 5.4 as of April 1, 2013—unless of course it’s an elaborate April Fools joke. In order for your MODX site to continue to operate, and just in case it isn’t, you should upgrade today.

    We look forward to all MODX Evolution users being able to continue to enjoy a platform that still remains relevant almost 8 years later—and to future releases bringing new features and enhancements thanks to the new lead team. [ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 11 years, 1 month ago.]
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
    • Wrong link for the MODX Blog.

      This is certainly good news. And the changelog is quite impressive.
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      • Thanks for the catch Susan.
          Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

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