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  • use this placeholder [+easy2:description+] into your template
      Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas A. Edison
      MODx is great, but knowing how to use it well makes it perfect!


      Security, security, security! | Indonesian MODx Forum | MODx Revo's cheatsheets | MODx Evo's cheatsheets

      Author of Easy 2 Gallery 1.4.x, PHPTidy, spieFeed, FileDownload R, Upload To Users CMP, Inherit Template TV, LexRating, ExerPlan, Lingua, virtuNewsletter, Grid Class Key, SmartTag, prevNext

      Maintainter/contributor of Babel

      Because it's hard to follow all topics on the forum, PING ME ON TWITTER @_goldsky if you need my help.
      • 36869
      • 12 Posts
      I guess you are talking about a document in the easy 2 gallery templates folder but wich one?
        • 36869
        • 12 Posts
        it does seem to be in there:
        <div class="thumbinfo">
                    <!--a href="">
                        <span class="not_display"> </span>
                    <span class="not_display"> </span>
                    <span class="thumbname">Magic 2012</span>
                <div id="description_2" style="display: none; color: gray;">
                    BLABLABLA IK blijf lekker testen tot het wel lukt...

        But it just doesn't show sad
        • The caption is pulled by the javascript.
          This is the highslide's example:
          <div class="thumbwrapper">
          	<a href="samples/full4.jpg" class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this,
          			{wrapperClassName: 'wide-border', captionOverlay: { position: 'rightpanel'}})">
          		<img width="80" height="120"
          	        src="samples/thumb4.jpg" alt="Highslide JS"
          			title="Click to enlarge" />
          	<div class='highslide-caption' style="padding: 0 10px 10px 0">
          		<h4>Caption on the right</h4>
              	You can open more than one image at a time, and arrange them on your screen by dragging them around. The captions can be positioned anywhere relative to the image.

          This is what I suggest, might be changed as your need:
          <div class="thumb">
              <div class="boxcontent">
                  <a href="[+easy2:link+]" title="[+easy2:title+]" [+easy2:glibact+] caption="[+easy2:summary+]">
                     <img src="[+easy2:src+]" alt="[+easy2:title+]" width="[+easy2:w+]" height="[+easy2:h+]" />
                  <div class="thumbinfo">
                      <span class="[+easy2:com+]">[+easy2:comments+]</span>
                      <span class="thumbname">[+easy2:title+]</span>
                  <div id="description_[+easy2:id+]" class='highslide-caption' style="padding: 0 10px 10px 0">

          Ow, and try [+easy2:summary+] instead
            Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas A. Edison
            MODx is great, but knowing how to use it well makes it perfect!


            Security, security, security! | Indonesian MODx Forum | MODx Revo's cheatsheets | MODx Evo's cheatsheets

            Author of Easy 2 Gallery 1.4.x, PHPTidy, spieFeed, FileDownload R, Upload To Users CMP, Inherit Template TV, LexRating, ExerPlan, Lingua, virtuNewsletter, Grid Class Key, SmartTag, prevNext

            Maintainter/contributor of Babel

            Because it's hard to follow all topics on the forum, PING ME ON TWITTER @_goldsky if you need my help.
            • 36869
            • 12 Posts
            sorry, but I still don't get it where do I implement these lines?
            • discuss.answer
              • 36869
              • 12 Posts
              I D|D IT!!!
              I only needed to change this:
              <div class="thumb">
                  <div class="boxcontent">
                      <a href="[+easy2:link+]" title="[+easy2:title+] <p />[+easy2:summary+]" [+easy2:glibact+]>
                         <img src="[+easy2:src+]" alt="[+easy2:title+]" width="[+easy2:w+]" height="[+easy2:h+]" />
                      <div class="thumbinfo">
                          <!--a href="[+easy2:commentslink+]">
                              <span class="[+easy2:com+]">[+easy2:comments+]</span>
                          <span class="[+easy2:com+]">[+easy2:comments+]</span>
                          <span class="thumbname">[+easy2:title+]</span>
                      <div id="description_[+easy2:id+]" style="display: none; color: gray;">

              into this:
              <div class="thumb">
                  <div class="boxcontent">
                      <a href="[+easy2:link+]" title="[+easy2:title+] <p />[+easy2:description+]" [+easy2:glibact+]>
                         <img src="[+easy2:src+]" alt="[+easy2:title+]" width="[+easy2:w+]" height="[+easy2:h+]" />
                      <div class="thumbinfo">
                          <!--a href="[+easy2:commentslink+]">
                              <span class="[+easy2:com+]">[+easy2:comments+]</span>
                          <span class="[+easy2:com+]">[+easy2:comments+]</span>
                          <span class="thumbname">[+easy2:title+]</span>
                      <div id="description_[+easy2:id+]" style="display: none; color: gray;">

              Thanks for the support!!
              • Ow, sorry.
                The default template file is assets\modules\easy2\templates\default\thumbnail_1.htm ,
                or whereever you set on your module's setting:
                Menu> Settings> Templates> thumbnail:

                That means, you can create your own templates in the different folder, then add &thumb_tpl=`to/your/custom/template.tpl`
                Please note, *.html extension is not required.
                  Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas A. Edison
                  MODx is great, but knowing how to use it well makes it perfect!


                  Security, security, security! | Indonesian MODx Forum | MODx Revo's cheatsheets | MODx Evo's cheatsheets

                  Author of Easy 2 Gallery 1.4.x, PHPTidy, spieFeed, FileDownload R, Upload To Users CMP, Inherit Template TV, LexRating, ExerPlan, Lingua, virtuNewsletter, Grid Class Key, SmartTag, prevNext

                  Maintainter/contributor of Babel

                  Because it's hard to follow all topics on the forum, PING ME ON TWITTER @_goldsky if you need my help.