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    Sorry, don’t have time at present to help on the first two/three points, but Comments are moderated under Components > Quip in the manager (backend).
      Writer > E-consultant > MODx developer || Salesforce || modx 2.x || PHP 5.2.13 || MySQL client 5.0.86
      • 4882
      • 44 Posts
      Quote from: odeclas at Dec 29, 2010, 04:28 PM

      Sorry, don’t have time at present to help on the first two/three points, but Comments are moderated under Components > Quip in the manager (backend).

      Ta odeclas, the Quip component is empty- there are no threads or comments.

      Can anybody else share any light on where its gone wrong?

      Quote from: cfdm at Dec 29, 2010, 03:42 PM

      1- archives page link, linking to the index page:

      Source code
      <li class="arc-row">
          <a href="index.php?id=92010/12" title="December 2010">December 2010</a> (3)

      &#145;Footer&#146; chunk code:[[!Archivist? &target=`9` &parents=`5,6`]]

      It&#146;s linking to the index page and not the archives.

      Archives[9] Uses template BlogPostTemplate. The resource content is below:


      Also its not pulling the month and year
      <h3>[[+arc_month_name]] [[+arc_year]] Archives</h3>

      2- Latest Comments" widget is working fine. However I cannot see the comments on the page.

      I can see by looking at the page source that the comments are there, but it&#146;s not displaying. It was working fine before. Please see image attached.

      Source code
       <div id="main">
      	<div id="colone">
      <div id="content" class="blog-post">
        <h2 class="title"><a href="index.php?id=23">tester</a></h2>
        <p class="post-info">
        Posted on Dec 29, 2010 - Tags:  <a href="index.php?id=23#comments" class="comments"> Comments (1)</a> </p>
        <div class="entry">
          <p class="intro"></p>
          <hr />
          <p>rg wetwer rer rqwr rqncvnn gdf dfg</p>
      <p>wr<img src="assets/images/illustrations/stage2.jpg" alt="" width="204" height="255" /></p>
        <hr />
        <div class="post-comments" id="comments"><div class="quip">
          <h3>Comments (1)</h3>
          <div id="quip-topofcomments-qcom"></div>
          <ol class="quip-comment-list">
      <li class="quip-comment" id="qcom8" >
      <div id="qcom8-div" class="quip-comment-body ">
          <div class="quip-comment-right">
              <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a3308df846c5c023428c1c4a4a956335?s=50&d=identicon" class="quip-avatar" />
          <p class="quip-comment-meta">
              <span class="quip-comment-author">Alexus:</span><br />
              <span class="quip-comment-createdon"><a href="index.php?id=23#qcom8">Dec 29, 2010 at 02:47 PM</a>
          <div class="quip-comment-text">
              <p>blart blah blarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jkbk iop  rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz<br />
      omg </p>
              <p><span class="quip-reply-link"><a href="index.php?id=10&quip_thread=blog-post-23&quip_parent=8">Reply</a></span></p>
          <div class="quip-comment-options">
          <div class="quip-break"></div>
          <br /><br />
      <span class="quip-success" id="quip-success-qcom"></span>
      <form id="quip-add-comment-qcom" action="index.php?id=23#quip-comment-preview-box-qcom" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="nospam" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="thread" value="blog-post-23" />
      <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="0" />
      <div class="quip-comment quip-add-comment">
          <span class="quip-error"></span>
           <div class="quip-fld">
              <label for="quip-comment-name">Name:</label>
              <input type="text" name="name" id="quip-comment-name-qcom" value="Default Admin User" />
              <br />
          <div class="quip-fld">
              <label for="quip-comment-email">Email: </label>
              <input type="text" name="email" id="quip-comment-email-qcom" value=" " />
              <br />
          <div class="quip-fld">
              <label for="quip-comment-website">Website: </label>
              <input type="text" name="website" id="quip-comment-website-qcom" value="" />
              <br />
          <div class="quip-fld">
              <label for="quip-comment-notify">Notify of New Replies: </label>
              <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="notify" id="quip-comment-notify-qcom"  />
              <br />
          <div class="quip-fld recaptcha">
          <p><span class="quip-allowed-tags">Allowed tags: <b><i><br></span>Add a new comment: </p>
          <textarea name="comment" id="quip-comment-box-qcom" rows="5"></textarea>
          <button type="submit" name="quip-preview" value="1">Preview</button>
          <br class="clear" />
      <div class="spacer"></div>

      BlogPostTemplate code:

      <div id="main">
      	<div id="colone">
      <div id="content" class="blog-post">
        <h2 class="title"><a href="[[~[[*id]]]]">[[*pagetitle]]</a></h2>
        <p class="post-info">
        Posted on [[*publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %d, %Y`]] - Tags: [[*tags:notempty=`[[!tolinks? &items=`[[*tags]]` &key=`tag` &target=`13`]]`]] <a href="[[~[[*id]]]]#comments" class="comments"> Comments ([[!QuipCount? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]`]])</a> </p>
        <div class="entry">
          <p class="intro">[[*introtext]]</p>
          <hr />
        <hr />
        <div class="post-comments" id="comments">[[!Quip?
          <br /><br />
             &notifyEmails=`[email protected]`
      <div class="spacer"></div>
      	<div id="coltwo">[[$blogging]]</div>
      <div class="spacer"></div>

      Where in the Modx backend do you edit the comments?

      Thanks everyone, i’ve almost got this blog working and definitely understanding Modx better smiley

        • 14877
        • 110 Posts
        I’m also having problems with Archives, but not with having the correct page display. (My problem is that supposedly archived posts, based on date) are not being listed -- well, nothing but the "<date> Archives" line is being listed).

        I ran into a similar sort of misdirection problem when I had two resources with the same alias set. Check the one on your index page and the one on your resource[9]. Make sure the one on resource[9] is unique. I noticed (and it may be something about the latest 2.0.6-pl release) that I now get a warning about aliases that are not unique.
          • 4882
          • 44 Posts
          Ta jrg.

          I’ve checked and my aliases are unique. But still nothing. Have you manged to solve the archive problem?

          BTW Happy new year all!

            • 14877
            • 110 Posts
            Quote from: cfdm at Jan 04, 2011, 10:31 AM

            Ta jrg.

            I’ve checked and my aliases are unique. But still nothing. Have you manged to solve the archive problem?

            BTW Happy new year all!

            Yes. Resources that are blog posts must NOT have "Hide from Menus" checked. Archivist doesn’t check this, so it was correctly reporting the number of posts; Archives is checking this. The underlying issue is that blog posts should be identified by some other property. In the meantime (or perhaps forever!), just make sure none of your blog posts have "Hide from menus" checked. It should not be a problem because they should all be subordinate to some other resource representing a "category of blog". In my case I’m not using tags/categories for the blog posts, but all the posts are still subordinate to a resource that could be considered a "category". Such a usage (i.e. as a "container") means I have "Hide from menus" checked.

            Since all blog posts are subordinate to a resource that is hidden from menus, they will not get listed in any menus and so this should not cause a problem.
              • 4882
              • 44 Posts
              cheers jrg. Still not working. archive displaying blogs, but cant get year and month on title and link is still broken. My container is hidden, but the blogs are not.
                • 14877
                • 110 Posts
                I haven’t gone through every line of your code (had enough trouble with my own sad ). However, I’m finding something confusing. In the resource (page) where you have the "getResourcesTag" snippet call, you have the "parents" set as [[*id]] and this doesn’t make sense to me.

                The "resources" that are being collected are the blog posts. They are meant to be subordinate to a category resource (container) and it should be hidden from menus. The resource (page) that is displaying the posts cannot be hidden from menus (or subordinate to a resource that is hidden from menus) or a visitor to the web site could never navigate to the page displaying the posts.

                For what it is worth, I have two resources, at the same level. My blog (well the one on the web site I’ve just taken live) is called "Viewpoint". I tell you that so the rest of this makes sense.

                I have one resource called "Viewpoint Posts". It is hidden from menus and blog posts are subordinate to it. That is also the resource that I let a specific user of the site access to through the manager (i.e. back end).

                The other resource is called "Viewpoint" and is the not hidden from menus resource that displays blog posts. I do, in fact, have two resources subordinate to it and they are both hidden from menus. Those subordinate resources are called "Blog Reply" and "Archives". Blog Reply is the Quip comment thing (which I haven’t really tried out yet). Archives is the getArchives snippet call and the +archives placeholder for the results.

                I don’t know whether this clarifies things or just further muddies the waters! Note that Viewpoint resource containing the getResourcesTag which has the parents= parameter. The value of parents is the ID of Viewpoint Posts, NOT viewpoint.