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    • 4882
    • 44 Posts
    cheers but still nothing. All i can see is:

    Posted on Dec 17, 2010 | Tags: music | Comments (0)


    Tags: music


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      • 22019
      • 390 Posts
      If you’ve changed your tv prefix to `` I don’t understand how it can still be outputting ’music’, as your blogPost chunk puts a placeholder of tv.tags.....

      Does the resource that’s meant to appear on your blog index have a tag set of ’music’? Does it have any text in the introtext field? (clutching at straws here as it must have something in the pagetitle field). Further clutching at straws - you haven’t set display none for any of the classes used (post, title, post-info, entry)?

      Try duplicating that resource and seeing if you now have two entries with ’music’ and the Comment box as the only outputs. Or better still, change the tags on the second one. If you can see both tags, then it’s definitely something wrong with the blogPost chunk, although it’s hard to see what it could be. This one definitely works and is almost identical:

      <div class="post">
          <h2 class="title"><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></h2>
          <p class="post-info">Posted by [[+createdby:userinfo=`fullname`]]
       [[+tv.tags:notempty=` | <span class="tags">Tags: 
      [[!tolinks? &items=`[[+tv.tags]]` &key=`tag` &target=`2`]]
          <div class="entry">
          <p class="postmeta">
            <span class="links">
      <a href="[[~[[+id]]]]" class="readmore">Read more</a>
      | <a href="[[~[[+id]]]]#comments" class="comments">
          Comments ([[!QuipCount? &thread=`blog-post-[[+id]]`]])
      | <span class="date">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %d, %Y`]]</span>
        Writer > E-consultant > MODx developer || Salesforce || modx 2.x || PHP 5.2.13 || MySQL client 5.0.86
        • 4882
        • 44 Posts
        It was outputting music as this was the Default value for the tag. But I have removed this now.

        I put &tvPrefix=`` on the actual blog resource page (blog[13])and not on the container pages. I have text in the introtext field.

        I haven’t set display none for any of the classes used (post, title, post-info, entry).

        I’ve duplicated the resource, one with a tag of apple and the other ribena, when I preview those pages I can see the blog article fine, but I cannot see anything on their container page and still nothing is visible on the blog page.I have updated the blogPost chunk with the one you supplied, but still nothing.

        I have not set up a domain name yet for the site; I’m working in a temporary area. I have set the alias, to be automatic, in the system settings, however, unless I specify a resource alias it doesn’t generate it, and all pages are similar to the following : /index.php?id=13&tag=apple&key=tags.

        Do you think this is contributing to, the blog not being visible? :’(
        Also my blog is on page 13, do I need to change the ’target’ properties in the tagLister and tolinks Snippet? I had a look, but couldn’t see where it needed to be edited.

        Thanks again everyone. I can’t wait to see this working. I really don’t know why it’s not pulling the blog details. I keep going over the tutorial to see if I’ve missed anything out but I can’t see it.

          • 22019
          • 390 Posts
          The only other common issue with getResources I can think of is that your blog index page (13) is set to richtext content and the snippet call isn’t executing properly because some of the & characters are being html-encoded.

          If you’re happy to do so, it might be quicker to duplicate your admin account and message me those details and I will have a look for you. It will be something obvious, but we’re missing it in this rather clumsy way of sharing information.
            Writer > E-consultant > MODx developer || Salesforce || modx 2.x || PHP 5.2.13 || MySQL client 5.0.86
            • 4882
            • 44 Posts
            Thanks odeclas, i turned off the richtext, still nothing.

            How would you like me to message you, my details.

            Many thanks in advance
              • 22019
              • 390 Posts
              Click on my name and then down the bottom of the profile page is an option ’send this member a private message’ or you can simply click on the envelope under my name to send me an email.

                Writer > E-consultant > MODx developer || Salesforce || modx 2.x || PHP 5.2.13 || MySQL client 5.0.86
                • 4882
                • 44 Posts
                Thanks everyone for the help, especially odeclas.

                Unfortunately I have a few minor issues still.

                1) I have set up the archivist widget, but when I click,
                Archives •December 2010 (3) - it takes me back to my index page and not my archives page which has an id of 9. Any suggestions?

                Archives resource
                <h3>[[+arc_month_name]] [[+arc_year]] Archives</h3>
                <div class="paging">  
                <ul class="pageList">  

                [[!Archivist? &target=`9` &parents=`5,6`]]

                2) Also trying to add a moderator group.

                I’ve followed these steps:Security -> Access Controls, and create a new User Group called ’Moderators’. Add any users you want in the group (including yourself!) and give them whatever role you want.

                However I can’t do the following as I cannot see the Context Access tab:
                Then, go to the Context Access tab. Add an ACL (a row, basically) that gives this user group access in the ’mgr’ context, with a minimum role of Member (9999), and the Access Policy of ’QuipModeratorPolicy’

                3) Lastly for the Latest Post Widget, I would like it on every page, on a side column. Is it possible to put the below code in a chunk?


                Thanks all
                  • 4882
                  • 44 Posts
                  Can anyone offer any suggestions? Really can’t see where i’m going wrong. sad
                    • 3749
                    • 24,544 Posts
                    1. Do a "view source" in your browser and look at the page with the archivist snippet tag. Check the links produced by the snippet. There’s probably something wrong with one of the Tpl chunks.

                    2. The Context Access tab appears when you right-click on a user group and select "update user group." If you can’t see it there, it’s likely that either you’re not logged in as the admin Super User, or you’ve changed the admin Super User’s permissions somehow (possibly by unchecking something in the Administrator policy).

                    3. I think that would work, but you could also just put it in the template.
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                      • 4882
                      • 44 Posts
                      Thank you BobRay, I’m almost there.

                      1- archives page link, linking to the index page:

                      Source code
                      <li class="arc-row">
                          <a href="index.php?id=92010/12" title="December 2010">December 2010</a> (3)

                      ‘Footer’ chunk code:[[!Archivist? &target=`9` &parents=`5,6`]]

                      It’s linking to the index page and not the archives.

                      Archives[9] Uses template BlogPostTemplate. The resource content is below:


                      Also its not pulling the month and year
                      <h3>[[+arc_month_name]] [[+arc_year]] Archives</h3>

                      2- Latest Comments" widget is working fine. However I cannot see the comments on the page.

                      I can see by looking at the page source that the comments are there, but it’s not displaying. It was working fine before. Please see image attached.

                      Source code
                       <div id="main">
                      	<div id="colone">
                      <div id="content" class="blog-post">
                        <h2 class="title"><a href="index.php?id=23">tester</a></h2>
                        <p class="post-info">
                        Posted on Dec 29, 2010 - Tags:  <a href="index.php?id=23#comments" class="comments"> Comments (1)</a> </p>
                        <div class="entry">
                          <p class="intro"></p>
                          <hr />
                          <p>rg wetwer rer rqwr rqncvnn gdf dfg</p>
                      <p>wr<img src="assets/images/illustrations/stage2.jpg" alt="" width="204" height="255" /></p>
                        <hr />
                        <div class="post-comments" id="comments"><div class="quip">
                          <h3>Comments (1)</h3>
                          <div id="quip-topofcomments-qcom"></div>
                          <ol class="quip-comment-list">
                      <li class="quip-comment" id="qcom8" >
                      <div id="qcom8-div" class="quip-comment-body ">
                          <div class="quip-comment-right">
                              <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a3308df846c5c023428c1c4a4a956335?s=50&d=identicon" class="quip-avatar" />
                          <p class="quip-comment-meta">
                              <span class="quip-comment-author">Alexus:</span><br />
                              <span class="quip-comment-createdon"><a href="index.php?id=23#qcom8">Dec 29, 2010 at 02:47 PM</a>
                          <div class="quip-comment-text">
                              <p>blart blah blarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr jkbk iop  rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz<br />
                      omg </p>
                              <p><span class="quip-reply-link"><a href="index.php?id=10&quip_thread=blog-post-23&quip_parent=8">Reply</a></span></p>
                          <div class="quip-comment-options">
                          <div class="quip-break"></div>
                          <br /><br />
                      <span class="quip-success" id="quip-success-qcom"></span>
                      <form id="quip-add-comment-qcom" action="index.php?id=23#quip-comment-preview-box-qcom" method="post">
                      <input type="hidden" name="nospam" value="" />
                      <input type="hidden" name="thread" value="blog-post-23" />
                      <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="0" />
                      <div class="quip-comment quip-add-comment">
                          <span class="quip-error"></span>
                           <div class="quip-fld">
                              <label for="quip-comment-name">Name:</label>
                              <input type="text" name="name" id="quip-comment-name-qcom" value="Default Admin User" />
                              <br />
                          <div class="quip-fld">
                              <label for="quip-comment-email">Email: </label>
                              <input type="text" name="email" id="quip-comment-email-qcom" value=" " />
                              <br />
                          <div class="quip-fld">
                              <label for="quip-comment-website">Website: </label>
                              <input type="text" name="website" id="quip-comment-website-qcom" value="" />
                              <br />
                          <div class="quip-fld">
                              <label for="quip-comment-notify">Notify of New Replies: </label>
                              <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="notify" id="quip-comment-notify-qcom"  />
                              <br />
                          <div class="quip-fld recaptcha">
                          <p><span class="quip-allowed-tags">Allowed tags: <b><i><br></span>Add a new comment: </p>
                          <textarea name="comment" id="quip-comment-box-qcom" rows="5"></textarea>
                          <button type="submit" name="quip-preview" value="1">Preview</button>
                          <br class="clear" />
                      <div class="spacer"></div>

                      BlogPostTemplate code:

                      <div id="main">
                      	<div id="colone">
                      <div id="content" class="blog-post">
                        <h2 class="title"><a href="[[~[[*id]]]]">[[*pagetitle]]</a></h2>
                        <p class="post-info">
                        Posted on [[*publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %d, %Y`]] - Tags: [[*tags:notempty=`[[!tolinks? &items=`[[*tags]]` &key=`tag` &target=`13`]]`]] <a href="[[~[[*id]]]]#comments" class="comments"> Comments ([[!QuipCount? &thread=`blog-post-[[*id]]`]])</a> </p>
                        <div class="entry">
                          <p class="intro">[[*introtext]]</p>
                          <hr />
                        <hr />
                        <div class="post-comments" id="comments">[[!Quip?
                          <br /><br />
                             &notifyEmails=`[email protected]`
                      <div class="spacer"></div>
                      	<div id="coltwo">[[$blogging]]</div>
                      <div class="spacer"></div>

                      Where in the Modx backend do you edit the comments?

                      Thanks everyone, i’ve almost got this blog working and definitely understanding Modx better smiley