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    • 25260
    • 156 Posts
    Let me explain.

    Concerning the path, tomorrow I’ll test combinations.

    Concerning the thumbnails...

    I need to have squared thumbnails, BUT I would like to mantain the images height/width percentage.
    So the solution is to have little thumbnails (of the entire image) like that, and then include them in a square, exactly like the ones you see in that site. I want phpThumb to automatize the process, since the thumbnails you see in that page were hand made laugh


      • 22253
      • 54 Posts
      Doze, sorry one more thing, I have set 0 to the thumbnails Ul li n the default maxigallery css and I have deleted the code from mygalleryPictureTpl that denoted the width of the thumbnails so all of my thumbnails are butting up but there is still a space in between the rows? I cannot for the life of me think where to look next. I’ve gone through all of the default maxigallery css and the templates as well as the css for slimbox etc to se if there was anything there but I have no idea where this 5 px gap is coming from?

      Please see screenshot.
        • 26931
        • 2,314 Posts
        Hi One_Phantom,
        but I have no idea where this 5 px gap is coming from
        try this:
        ul.thumbs li img {
        	border:				none;
        	margin:				0 !important;
          • 15175
          • 116 Posts
          Adding display:block should do it:

          ul.thumbs li img {


          other stuff...

            • 22253
            • 54 Posts
            cheers guys. Both of these methods worked.
              • 7923
              • 4,213 Posts
              Quote from: Roberto at Nov 05, 2009, 02:38 PM

              I need to have squared thumbnails, BUT I would like to mantain the images height/width percentage.
              Well the same answer applies.. you can do that with only maxigallery or with phpThumb. With using just maxigallery, you can set the max size for the thumbnails and picture dimensions are kept when resizing. Then use css to make the thumbnails reserve certain size square area. Or you can use phpThumb to make the thumbnails be like that, use following phpThumb parameters &far=C&h=60&w=60.

                "He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
                • 23299
                • 1,161 Posts
                I have not read this thread in depth. I will do so asap.

                But I am very interested in the concept.

                It would be great to use MaxiGallery to upload pics from the manager, with one of the newer jquery lightbox scripts to add full size image display flourish, and have some kind of script that will take all the thumbnails and center crop them into neat consistent rows, regardless if the full size images are horizontal, vertical, square or narrow panoramic...


                PS: Is there a live page example with this working to look at?
                  • 7923
                  • 4,213 Posts
                  didn’t quite get the point of your post, but if that was a question, then yes it’s possible with maxigallery+managermanager+(phx)phpthumb+lightbox script of your choosing..

                    "He can have a lollipop any time he wants to. That's what it means to be a programmer."
                    • 26163
                    • 43 Posts
                    Do you need to have phx inorder for this to work?
                      • 33997
                      • 150 Posts
                      Help! I know phpThumb is working, because the cache fills up with every page load, but I can’t figure out why the thumbnails aren’t showing up. I’m running GD, no ImageMagick. I tried installing PHx, but that didn’t make any difference - the cache still fills up before and after I enable/disable the plugin. This is a local MAMP installation.

                      Here is my code for &galleryPictureTpl:
                          <a href="[+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" rel="external" title="">
                          <img src="[+phx:input=`[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]`:phpthumb=`&h=100&w=100&zc=1&q=95`+]"     class="thumbnail" title="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+] [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" alt="[+maxigallery.picture.title:htmlent+] [+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" />
                              <p style="width: [+maxigallery.picture_width_thumb+]px;">

                      And here is my code for phx:phpthumb:
                      $output = 'assets/snippets/phpthumb/phpThumb.php?src=' . $output . $options;
                      return str_replace('&', '&', $output);

                      P.S. I’m using MODx 1.0.5 and I removed the base_url tags in some spots and tested - the cache is still filling up, and the thumbs are still not showing up. Please help!

                      UPDATE: I replaced all the deprecated ereg() type functions. Now the pictures are showing up, but it is the original, not the thumbnails. I will be researching this, but if you can let me know a quick fix I’d appreciate it.

                      UPDATE: *sigh* after much frustration and many hours, I am going to implement the CSS fix instead of the phpThumb fix, as it will be more transferable than the phpThumb fix, and it also seems as though the phpThumb project isn’t supported so much anymore.
                        "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein