I spent this days to improve MM backend manager. Now it completed and working in all tested browsers (FF 3.01, IE 6, Opera 9.22). As a result - new MM widget mm_widget_mg_backend_manager();
What’s new - removed iframe border and scroll, iframe adjusted to full content height.
Other info here in MM thread
DirectResize 0.9 beta. PHPThumb, sets of configurations, configuration, binded to specific path. No backward compatibility. |
DirectResize 0.9. PHPThumb, наборы параметров, параметры, привязанные к определенным путям. Без обратной совместимости.
Unfortunately, DirectResize project is closed. If you want to continue development, PM me for access to project page on Google Code. К сожалению, проект DirectResize закрыт. Если вы желаете продолжить разработки, обращайтесь через ПМ для получения доступа к репозиторию на Google Code.
[PLUGIN] DirectResize - as Maxigallery but for single images ::
Download :: [url=
this is HOt. thanks a bounch Metaller for that new widget!