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    Is there a general page that tells about My Topix and how it differs from the other options like SMF, IPB, phpBB, Vanilla, etc.?
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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      In fact, are there *any* marketing pages for this forum?
        No, I don't know what OpenGeek's saying half the time either.
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        Well it’s not actually my forum software, I’m just on the testing team, but I would guess it’s closest competitor features-wise would be MyBB (www.mybboard.com) but without the AJAX.

        It’s at the end of the market that caters for those who would like a less feature-bloated bulletin board. You can also (and I think I’m right in thinking this is unique) have a no-category, one-forum install that renders something like Vanilla - ie. the root forum page is a topic listing instead as there are no other forums to view.

        They’re working on the site pages at the moment in time for the final release I believe.
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