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  • Yes, I "borrowed" heavily from the mutate_content.dynacmic.action.php file to get the tabs.

    Maybe I should write up a tutorial for this.

    But I haven’t worked my way up to using the "Save" etc buttons at the top, I’m not sure enough of my javascript skills to be able to get them to work with my scripts.
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      Quote from: sottwell at Mar 04, 2006, 06:54 AM

      Yes, I "borrowed" heavily from the mutate_content.dynacmic.action.php file to get the tabs.

      Maybe I should write up a tutorial for this.

      This should be done! If you want people to build modules with MODx as their framework, they should have the tools needed to do so... They could have the choice, but for the benefit of the end users... I think that there should be more support for the module developers. The current tutorial is fine to grasp the idea of what is a module and how to make them, but there is already a kind of SDK available and used in the rest of the manager... so people should use it!

      While I’m working on my module, I’ll try to write as much as I can about the use of the included JS and CSS. I’ll send it to you when I have some stuff!
        Blaise Bernier

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