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    • 5904
    • 58 Posts
    Bizarre! 404 Error issue resolved by renaming the backup folder to ’backup1’ and then to ’backup’. Guessing due to a glitch on the server?

    Backup successfully completed after changing ’megabytes = 64’ to ’megabytes = 128’. smiley
      • 11681
      • 98 Posts
      I am a newbie who has had mixed success with BkupMODx. Since BkupMODx is so useful, yet people seem to have trouble with it, I decided to keep notes on my progress. Maybe my experience would be helpful in documentation development. The notes also will refresh my memory the next time I use BkupMODx.

      The notes run long, and they include dead-end bad ideas as well as successes. Because they are potentially confusing, I don’t think that they belong on this forum. I would like to mail them to whomever is supporting BkupMODx. How could I do that?

      -- Halfnium
        I looked just like that in 1964.
        • 32046
        • 75 Posts
        Okay, I’m using Evo1.0.4. I’ve set this up as a module and it works beautifully - except it does not include the database file in the zip.
        Backup in process . . .
        Start MySQL dump create . . . mtc_20100807_082121.sql Size: 760299 (742KB) . . . Finish MySQL dump create.
        Start file list . . . File count: 7 . . . Finish file list.
        Start zip archive . . . mtc_bkup_20100807_082121.zip Size: 16670 (16KB) . . . Finish zip archive.
        Start MySQL dump delete . . . mtc_20100807_082121.sql Size: 760299 (742KB) . . . Finish MySQL dump delete.
        PHP Version >= 5.2.0 - Peak memory usage: 1310720 (1MB)
        Backup process complete . . .

        I’ve commented out the lines in the source which remove the created mySQL dump file after the backup is complete, and get the following
        Backup in process . . .
        Start MySQL dump create . . . mtc_20100807_081805.sql Size: 760299 (742KB) . . . Finish MySQL dump create.
        Start file list . . . File count: 7 . . . Finish file list.
        Start zip archive . . . mtc_bkup_20100807_081805.zip Size: 16670 (16KB) . . . Finish zip archive.
        PHP Version >= 5.2.0 - Peak memory usage: 1310720 (1MB)
        Backup process complete . . .

        The sql dump is created and placed in the archive folder, but NOT added to the zip.
        Here is my config file
        // Protect this file! It contains sensitive information about your website.
        // ==================================================
        // SECURITY
        // ==================================================
        login      = true
        timeout    = 0
        activity   = false
        user_pass0 = admin,xxxxxx
        user_pass1 = 
        user_pass2 = 
        user_pass3 = 
        user_pass4 = 
        user_pass5 = 
        user_pass6 = 
        user_pass7 = 
        user_pass8 = 
        user_pass9 = 
        // ==================================================
        // GENERAL
        // ==================================================
        site_url     = http://localhost/mtc/
        base_path    = /home/murray/public_html/mtc/
        bkup_dir     = backup/
        archive_dir  = backup/archive/
        archive_name = mtc_bkup
        seconds      = 120
        megabytes    = 256
        // ==================================================
        // DIRECTORIES
        // ==================================================
        dir0 = /home/murray/public_html/mtc/assets/css/,true
        dir1 = 
        dir2 = 
        dir3 = 
        dir4 = 
        dir5 = 
        dir6 = 
        dir7 = 
        dir8 = 
        dir9 = 
        // ==================================================
        // DATABASE
        // ==================================================
        mysql  = 3
        host   = 
        user   = 
        pass   = 
        dbase1 = 
        dbase2 = 
        dbase3 = 
        dbase4 = 
        dbase5 = 
        dbase6 = 
        dbase7 = 
        dbase8 = 
        dbase9 = 
        // ==================================================
        // THE END
        // ==================================================

        Any ideas?
          • 5274
          • 177 Posts
          Your archive directory is not included in the dir0 path. Use: dir0=/home/murray/public_html/mtc/,true

          See if that works better.
            • 32046
            • 75 Posts
            Cheers, that did it. Module is pretty wicked smiley
              • 27660
              • 3 Posts

              Thnx for the wonderfull tool.

              I just did a restore, but all the tables starting with a W were missing (in the backup).

              How can I fix this ?


              BkupMODx version 2.3
              Modx Rev 6066 (1.02)
              Linux shared hosting
              PHP 5

                • 5274
                • 177 Posts
                Quote from: Sloopmeester at Aug 17, 2010, 02:15 PM

                I just did a restore, but all the tables starting with a W were missing (in the backup).

                Kinda odd! All tables are targeted for the sql backup process. Try increasing the megabytes setting in the config tool and rerun the backup.
                  • 27660
                  • 3 Posts
                  Found it, Some of the last tables are empty and in this case the last output is not written.
                  It works if you change line 91 of model_dbdump.class.php from :

                  $output = $lf .’# End of dump #’ . $lf;
                  $output .= $lf .’# End of dump #’ . $lf;
                    • 8168
                    • 1,118 Posts
                    Hi guys,

                    Got this great addon up and working - but not too sure from the ZIP that is created where the SQL file is placed? Any ideas anyone?

