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    • 3638
    • 21 Posts
    Hi there,

    I have Modbak 0.9.4 on MODx and I get this error message after a little moment when I click the "generate" button :

    Error while inserting event log into database.

    In my "_backup" folder, there are the .zip generated and the .sql file.

    I’ve seen that some people have the same problem, have you fixed it yet ?

    That’s sad because ModBak is exactely what I need !

    Thanks in advance.

      • 23829
      • 57 Posts
      I like this snippet but had to solve a couple problems:
      - Changed ’site_name’ in ’site_url’ due to an error with Russian letters
      - Due to an error 500 added date_default_timezone_set ( ’Europe / Moscow’);
        • 8168
        • 1,118 Posts
        Is it possible to tell Modbak to ignore a folder and therefore not back it up? My client has a large folder on the server which is resulting in the backup failing as the process is timing out based on the server time limit settings. I'd like to be able to tell Modbak to ignore this folder and not back it up - is this possible by editing the PHP files somehow?
