I backed up my site using Modbak, and now I’m trying to restore it. I’m having some trouble restoring the database. In particular, I can’t seem to find the database in the .zip file. Shouldn’t it be named something.sql? the only .sql file I have is assets/snippets/jot/includes/jot.install.db.sql.
The original machine is gone. However, I used the builtin ModX stuff to backup all of the databases as well. I’ve never used phpmyadmin before, but I did what looked like the obvious thing: tell it to import the .sql file. I get this error:
SQL query:
# Lerner Clan Database Dump
# MODx 0.9.5 RC2 (rev 1942)
# Host: localhost
# Generation Time: Dec 30, 2007 am31 03:42
# Server version: 5.0.26-log
# PHP Version: 5.1.6-pl6-gentoo
# Database : `modx`
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table `modx_active_users`
CREATE TABLE `modx_active_users` (
`internalKey` int( 9 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`username` varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL default '',
`lasthit` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`id` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`action` varchar( 10 ) NOT NULL default '',
`ip` varchar( 20 ) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY ( `internalKey` )
) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COMMENT = 'Contains data about active users.';
MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 - No database selected
So .. can anybody help me either find the Modbak database backup or install this one?
Feel free to tell me to do all sorts of obvious things .. I’m very unfamiliar with these tools.