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    • 12601
    • 9 Posts
    I think I have found a bug in WebLoginPE 1.3.1, in the webloginpe.templates.php file, which affects clicking on a userlist to view the full profile:

    lines 436 and 439:
    [tt]$wlpeUsersTpl = ’<div class="wlpeUserPage">
    <div class="wlpeUserPagePhoto">
    <a href = "[~[*id*]~]?service=viewprofile&username=[+view.username+]">
    <img src="[+view.photo+]" alt="[+view.photo+]" title="[+view.username+]" height="100" width="100" />
    <a href = "[~[*id*]~]?service=viewprofile&username=[+view.username+]">
    <p class="wlpeUserPageUsername">[+view.username+]</p>

    I think the a href tag should be, in both cases,

    [tt]<a href = "[~[*id*]~]&service=viewprofile&username=[+view.username+]">[/tt]
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      That depends on if you are using Friendly URLs or not. If you are, then the initial ? is necessary. If you are not, then the original URL index.php?id=xx is using that ? and WebLoginPE needs to use a & to start with.
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        • 12601
        • 9 Posts
        Quote from: sottwell at Aug 22, 2008, 05:37 PM

        That depends on if you are using Friendly URLs or not. If you are, then the initial ? is necessary. If you are not, then the original URL index.php?id=xx is using that ? and WebLoginPE needs to use a & to start with.

        No, I’m not using Friendly URLs, so it’s the second condition that applies in my situation.

        I found that the URL WebLoginPE produces would be along the lines of
        which produced a 404 error on my site.

        However, when I hacked webloginpe.templates.php to replace the line
        <a href="[~[*id*]~]?service=
        <a href="[~[*id*]~]&service=
        all worked perfectly.

        If this is not a bug, but is a "feature", how should I be trying to resolve the link address?
          • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
          • 24,524 Posts
          I believe this issue is being addressed by having a check made whether Friendly URLs is being used or not, and using whichever delimiter is appropriate.
            Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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            • 21524
            • 90 Posts
            hi, i’ve noticed a strange bug on my website using wlpe 1.3.1 and modx 0.9.6

            i can’t upload userpic, i get modx parse error

            PHP error debug
            Error: move_uploaded_file(/home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/200_48eb903403518.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
            Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
            File: /home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/assets/snippets/webloginpe/webloginpe.class.php
            Line: 2532
            Line 2532 source: if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[’photo’][’tmp_name’], $userImage))

            So, upload doesnt work neither for register nor for a profile. Help please, I actually changed WebLogin to WLPE for a Userpic support! huh huh
              • 28033
              • 925 Posts
              Quote from: nikku at Oct 10, 2008, 11:27 PM

              hi, i’ve noticed a strange bug on my website using wlpe 1.3.1 and modx 0.9.6

              i can’t upload userpic, i get modx parse error

              PHP error debug
              Error: move_uploaded_file(/home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/200_48eb903403518.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
              Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
              File: /home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/assets/snippets/webloginpe/webloginpe.class.php
              Line: 2532
              Line 2532 source: if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[’photo’][’tmp_name’], $userImage))

              So, upload doesnt work neither for register nor for a profile. Help please, I actually changed WebLogin to WLPE for a Userpic support! huh huh

              There was a accidental bug that got put into the 1.3.1 release. Basically, some code was called twice. The fix should still be here on the first page (busy --- don’t have the time to fish it out ATM).
                My Snippets
                -> PopUpChunk v1.0
                • 27442
                • 103 Posts
                Quote from: nikku at Oct 10, 2008, 11:27 PM

                PHP error debug
                Error: move_uploaded_file(/home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/200_48eb903403518.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
                Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
                File: /home/rivvi138/domains/orient.ru/public_html/assets/snippets/webloginpe/webloginpe.class.php
                Line: 2532
                Line 2532 source: if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[’photo’][’tmp_name’], $userImage))

                So, upload doesnt work neither for register nor for a profile. Help please, I actually changed WebLogin to WLPE for a Userpic support! huh huh
                I’ve noticed this also. The clues are: the path to your document root and ’permission denied’ What seems to be happening (and I haven’t looked into why) is that the uploaded pic is temporarily saved to your document root of your website. Then moved to the /assets/snippets/webloginpe/userimages folder. You get the ’permission denied’ error because your document root does not have 777 permissions. If you chmod the public_html folder to 777 it will work, but it’s not a good idea to run your site this way.
                  • 21524
                  • 90 Posts
                  2Soshite: Sorry, but the problem hasn’t solved.

                  2sjh_vt: Yeah, i figured that too. And that actually makes it interesting: how come i’ve been the only one to report this issue until now? Or how did others deal with it? I guess they didn’t chmod to 777. grin
                    • 20135
                    • 188 Posts

                    I did just post in another WebLogin thread, but as this is the place for bugs...

                    I’ve just upgraded WebLogin to 1.3.0 as I thought that 1.0 may not be functioning correctly. However 1.3.0 has brought up an error:

                    « MODx Parse Error »
                    MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
                    « PHP Parse Error »

                    PHP error debug
                    Error: WebLoginPE::require_once(manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php) [function.WebLoginPE-require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
                    Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
                    File: ...\wwwroot\assets\snippets\webloginpe\webloginpe.class.php
                    Line: 148
                    Line 148 source: require_once(’manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php’);

                    Parser timing
                    MySQL: 0.0067 s (5 Requests)
                    PHP: 0.0723 s
                    Total: 0.0790 s

                    I’m running this on a new PHP 5.0 IIS server, maybe there’s something wrong there? Can someone please help me out with this?

                      • 27442
                      • 103 Posts
                      Quote from: moniarde at Oct 31, 2008, 08:00 AM

                      « MODx Parse Error »
                      MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
                      « PHP Parse Error »

                      PHP error debug
                      Error: WebLoginPE::require_once(manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php) [function.WebLoginPE-require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
                      Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
                      File: ...\wwwroot\assets\snippets\webloginpe\webloginpe.class.php
                      Line: 148
                      Line 148 source: require_once(’manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php’);

                      Parser timing
                      MySQL: 0.0067 s (5 Requests)
                      PHP: 0.0723 s
                      Total: 0.0790 s
                      Is the file manager/includes/controls/class.phpmailer.php actually there?