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    Quote from: agilero at Feb 06, 2009, 08:08 PM

    Customizable captcha method (especially by giving the option to build and use a captcha of one’s own - diversity is strength!), especially enabling the admin to use text-based captchas and others to post comments. The graphical captchas I encounter at every corner of the web annoy me so. I am not blind or of low vision, but I feel with people who are.

    I like the idea of Mollom, which only shows captcha for submitted content that looks spammy and includes an audio captcha option.

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      Hm, I wonder if anybody willing to contribute whatever on my site would accept that his/her contribution is scanned and analysed by some third party (which isn’t google *scnr*). The problem I see in web 2.0 is that yes, the admins can control what happens on their contribution-driven websites, but that does not imply that the contributors can control what happens with their contents.

      What concerns my wish of a user-provided captcha mechanism, am I right posting it in this thread at all? Or is it rather an issue worth mentioning on the modx core (revolution) level?
        • 3749
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        I would think that a user who is willing to have content appear on a web site (and on Google) wouldn’t much care what happened to it on the way, though you never know.  wink

        Mollom uses machines to analyze the data and doesn’t store any of it, so I think the process is pretty benign. And there’s no requirement to actually *tell* the users that Mollom is doing the analysis.  wink

        This is definitely the place for such this discussion. Revolution already has a Captcha add-on package and anyone would be free to write another, but Captcha definitely won’t be part of the Revolution core.
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          Does anybody have any news about the upcoming jot version?
            • 14788
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            Threaded comments are a requirement. That is a very needed feature to leave behind and completely takes away from Jot’s usefulness. Reply to a comment and all support related to that should be included in default install.
              • 12422
              • 29 Posts
              Really nice tool, first of all...

              It would be nice with the option to subscribe to any given e-mail address.
              It’s kind of hard to make people able to follow a discussion, when you are not using login and usergroups.
                • 2912
                • 315 Posts
                I think someone has already mentioned this but it would be nice to be able to send new comments to a specific email address or comma seperated list.

                I did a website using Jot where pages were made on behalf of people so they have no ability to subscribe without doing some leg work. It would be easier for me to set a TV and use that in the jot call so they would get an email automatically.
                  • 22164
                  • 50 Posts
                  My wishes - or votes for what is expressed before by others:

                  Reply to comments - or call it threaded comments

                  email to be specified through TV

                  Integration of JoCo module into it.

                  any idea on roadmap and timelines?
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