I’m having problems with pagination also.
I’ve got five documents. Pagination set at three per page and I’m using using previous | next links.
The previous | next link is not working.
When I go to the page from the main menu the the url is: www.domainname/index.php?id=4
When I click on next, the page content doesn’t change but the url changes to: www.domainname/index.php?id=4&start=3
Here’s my ditto call:
[[Ditto? &startID=`4` &dateFormat=`%b-%d-%y` &tpl=`blogtpl` &paginate=`1` &summarize=`3` &trunc=`1` &paginateAlwaysShowLinks= 1 &truncLen=`200` &sortBy=`pub_date` &sortDir=`DESC` &dateSource=`pub_date` &extenders=`summary` ]]
<p>Now showing items [+start+] to [+stop+] of [+total+] entries.<br />
[+previous+] [+next+]
I’m not using the PHx plugin
MODX 9.6.2
PHP 5.2.6
SQL 5.0.51a
Apache 1.3.41