Am completely unfamiliar with Template Variables (and new to ModX in general, though not completely lost).
Have been told that Template Variables are the way I should approach varying page layouts with multi-column content regions (boxes). Have read and re-read the online TV documentation, such as here:
but am having trouble understanding how to accomplish what I require.
There are varying page layouts, all validating HTML5 and CSS2 and 3, all displaying virtually identically across 18 browsers on 4 platforms.
They are all based on a basic outer template. Each layout’s inner content container will contain varying sections consisting of 1, 2 or 3 columns. For example, in the attached PNG of an inner content container there are three sections:
- the top one is a single column section/content region classed, "single";
- the middle one is a 2-column section classed, "duet" containing 2 articles/content regions, and;
- the bottom one is a 3-column section classed, "triad" containing 3 articles/content regions.
Have created a template for this page layout variation, have created a page in the ModX manager to test the template, but don’t know how to create the TV that delineates the content regions as empty fields, ready for content, and un-destroyable by the WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) which strips my vaildating, legal HTML5 elements (sections and articles) from my HTML.
Can anyone give me a brief step-by-step or point me to one that isn’t completely self-referential and vague? One that I can follow to create all of my different layout TVs? Or, is this the wrong way to approach this?
Many thanks in advance,