Quote from: splittingred at Apr 02, 2011, 05:34 PM
These really should be filed as separate feature requests in our bugtracker: http://bugs.modx.com/
Otherwise they have a high chance of getting buried in the forums.
If that’s the official way to do that. Sure.
Just noticed that the login form has been fixed. Good. I still can’t remember my password, so I have used the "forget your login" link and filled in what I believe to be my username or email address. Im a bit mad about form design, so here is what I think:
1. The labels and the link are a bit misleading.
We have two inputfields:
"Forgot your Login? - Enter Username"
"Forgot your username? - Enter Email"
and the submit button is labeled:
"reset password".
In my opinion that’s a bit confusing. Why should I ask for a new password if I just can’t remember my user name?
"Forgot your password? - Enter your username or email"
"Forgot your username? - Enter Email"
Give a more descriptive label to the submit button:
"Send me a mail" or even "Go for it" would be better...
Also it would be nice to get any kind of feedback after hitting the submit button. Something like "Hi pepebe, we will send you soon a new password" or "Sorry pepebe, we never met before, try again..." would be great.
P.S. There is a save shortcut: CTRL+ALT+S.
Great! I love shortcuts. Did I miss that in the manual?
P.P.S. Image/File TVs with specific file paths are available in 2.1.
Thats good news!