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  • That should definitelly be in the next distribution. Good stuff.
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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      • 2,204 Posts


      After thinking about this you could create a plugin to redirect users to the frontpage. See the OnManagerLogin events.

      You could make the plugin check if the user belongs to special group then redirect them to the front-end. Event better you can also use some of the system events to display optional User settings when editing a user.

      You have the power to build and do anything you want man. The power is yours! smiley 

      Now only the knowledge to build and do anything I want man, hehe

      but great Idea maybe some one with more knowledge than me could make this?
        follow me on twitter: @dimmy01