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    the system settings are actually the reason I haven’t begun to use it yet. I got used to the previous ones.
      CMS-informer.com - PHP Content management Systems Blog and News.
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      Quote from: scept1c at Apr 26, 2010, 12:31 PM

      the system settings are actually the reason I haven’t begun to use it yet. I got used to the previous ones.

      Hi scept1c, have you watched this Introduction to and Overview of System Settings? It’s a good intro.
        • 7291
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        any new updates on the general release of revo? Starting a new project... same questions
          [center]-- smiley --[/center]
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          More will be announced at MODxpo. We’ll get more details posted here after that.
            shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
            • 36404
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            eagerly waiting for those "more" details smiley as i’m just about putting my first website into MODx

            i’ve played a bit with both evo and revo and honestly, i love both. The only thing is that it seem revo api sounds even greater for building personal apps with personal db tables

            actually, the real question for me is, is it a good idea to start with evo when revo seems so nearby its stable release and will revo be considered as stable befroe i end with that website ? smiley crual dilemna smiley

            well, nevermind, thanks for that unique tool, the first one that made me change my mind about cms/f after 10 years developping everything from scratch...

            Have swing
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              • 27708 MODX Staff
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              If you think you want to develop on Revo and you are not afraid of SVN (subversion) for exporting (I assume you are not since you are a dev or plan to work with the API), I’d go ahead and start using the latest SVN. Revolution offers you many new features and we need people using it and creating custom addons like snippets, plugins and other 3rd party components. Not to say that learning Evolution does not have its merits, most addons are currently only available for Evolution but if you are a developer who plans to mainly build out custom applications most of the basics are still there in Revolution and you can extend as you need.

              In my experience there are still reasons to build on Evo but you should be using Revo too. They will both co-exist for some time and both fit different clients and projects differently.


                Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
                • 36404
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                Hi Jay,

                thanks a lot for your answer, it was exactly what i was waiting for smiley
                then my choice is done, i’ll work with Revo.

                I’ll probably loose some more hair because it’s going to be really new for me to work from an existing structure but i’m sure going to have lot of fun too and learn a lot too

                Thanks again

                Have swing
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                  im totally new to the modx world and not really had the chance to get stuck into it properly. So forgive the nob question about to follow...

                  as a CSS man with almost NO knowledge of PHP... should i keep on with EVO or move over to REVO?

                  What do you mean by "both are to run side by side for some time"
                  do you mean support/patches etc, in which case EVO will eventually be dropped. So i best start leaning REVO.

                    • 36404
                    • 307 Posts

                    first i have to say i was just here to say "yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh", thanks and all that sort of things smiley for the fresh Revo GA release !!!

                    now, to answer your question, i must say that for what i’ve seen, your choice between Revo and Evo should not depend on your php abilities as both will serve you the same easyness (don’t know if the word exists...) without a great php knowledge.

                    The only thing that could be important for you is that, for the moment, there are more "third party" components available for Evo and, if you don’t plan to write your owns, of course, this could help you build more complex things. But, according to how fast people are here... i’m sure this will soon change and you’ll soon get nearly everything you need in terms of snippets, plugins and so on for Revo.

                    Hope it’ll help and, once more, Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh laugh

                    Have swing
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                      • 1208
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                      Revo works too hard for me, tryed to install tinymce abot 20 times, each time it shows empty licence, empty readmy and then only loads the console, nothing more, the websyte almost hangs up. Don’t know wats the deal, but it’s really unpleasant.