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    • 34017
    • 898 Posts
    Template Variables is one thing that sets MODx apart from other CMS’s.

    What is a template variable?

    Think of "TV’s" as document objects. Expression Engine calls them "Custom Entry Fields".

    From Expression Engine:
    "Custom Entry Fields
    Each weblog can have its own unique set of entry fields. These can be input boxes, pull-down menus or textareas."

    The difference: TV’s have much more flexibility. TV’s are Custom Entry Fields that can be any of the following:
    - Pull-down menu
    - Checkbox
    - File
    - Text (Input box)
    - Textarea
    - Rich text area
    - Listbox (single-select)
    - Listbox (multiple-select)
    - URL
    - Email
    - Date
    - Number

    Also, you have multiple ways to display the input in these fields such as:
    - DataGrid
    - Floating Div
    - Marquee
    - Ticker
    - IFrame

    So what does this mean? Let’s say you have a client that needs to create pages that have a Title, Author, Content, Custom Image header, Start Date, End Date, and 4 custom fields named Where, Who, Why, How.

    With MODx TV’s, you don’t hack your way around and telling your customer to create a table and fill in the items where they go. Instead you create the following TV’s (or document objects).
    1. TV #1
    - name: tvImageHeader
    - input Type: File
    - Widget: Image
    - Default Value: (If you need a default Image)

    2. TV#2
    - name: tvStartDate
    - input Type: Date
    - Widget: Date Formatter

    3. TV #3
    - name: tvEndDate
    - input Type: Date
    - Widget: Date Formatter

    4. TV #4
    - name: tvWhere
    - input Type: text
    - Default Value: (if needed)

    5. TV #5
    - name: tvWho
    - input Type: text
    - Default Value: (if needed)

    6. TV #6
    - name: tvWhy
    - input Type: text
    - Default Value: (if needed)

    7. TV #7
    - name: tvHow
    - input Type: text
    - Default Value: (if needed)

    Why would I use these?

    When you use TV’s, the content creator does not have to bother with HTML formatting or design.

    How do I use these then?

    In your template (or ditto), you will place these TV’s as placeholders where you want them to appear, and MODx will fill in the details for you.


    <div class="ImageHeader>[*tvImageHeader*]</div>
    <div class="myContent">
    <div class="furtherDetails">
    <p>When: [*tvStartDate*] to [*tvEndDate*]</p>
    <p>Where: [*tvWhere*]</p>
    <p>Who: [*tvWho*]</p>
    <p>Why: [*tvWhy*]</p>
    <p>How: [*tvHow*]</p>

    Now the content creator does not ever have to deal with how the site looks. You create the fields they need, they fill them out, and the page will populate to look as pretty as you want it to be.

    I hope this helps some people (switch from Expression Engine) and understand TV’s. They give you, the designer or developer, a great flexibility for your clients or content creators.

      Chuck the Trukk
      ProWebscape.com :: Nashville-WebDesign.com
      - - - - - - - -
      What are TV's? Here's some info below.
      • 34017
      • 898 Posts
      If anyone finds any errors or would like to expand on this to include radio options, select lists, or other types, please do so. I am a newbie with this too.

        Chuck the Trukk
        ProWebscape.com :: Nashville-WebDesign.com
        - - - - - - - -
        What are TV's? Here's some info below.
        • 28768
        • 3 Posts
        The main problem I’m having with at the moment is trying to find out if there’s any sort of conditional display functionality. Your example above assumes that all fields will be used in all cases. On the other hand, I need the following(recycling your template):
        <div class="ImageHeader>[*tvImageHeader*]</div>
        <div class="myContent">
        <div class="furtherDetails">
        <p>When: [*tvStartDate*] to [*tvEndDate*]</p>
        <p>Where: [*tvWhere*]</p>
        <p>Who: [*tvWho*]</p>
        (if tvWhy has been input)<p>Why: [*tvWhy*]</p>(/endif)
        (if tvHow has been input)<p>How: [*tvHow*]</p>(/endif)

        ...so that if a particular variable wasn’t given a value, absolutely nothing is shown on the front end. In your example, there would be orphaned "Why" and "How" headings, which is just ugly.

        Is there something I’m just not seeing about the core templating(this seems like something that should be a basic function), or a snippet that takes care of this?
          • 33372
          • 1,611 Posts
          There are several ways to do what you need, but personally I use a snippet that calls the value of that TV before returning output:

          if($tvValue['tvWhy']!='') $output.='<p>Why: '.$tvValue['tvWhy'].'</p>';
          return $output;

          If you name your snippet "outputWhy" then you would just add [[outputWhy]] to your template where you want to show that information.
            "Things are not what they appear to be; nor are they otherwise." - Buddha

            "Well, gee, Buddha - that wasn&#39;t very helpful..." - ZAP

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            • 11975
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            PHx is the answer ==>http://wiki.modxcms.com/index.php/PHx

            This plug-in allows if else statement on template variables, document properties and many other thing.

            It’s a must have.

              Made with MODx : [url=http://www.copadel.com]copadel, fruits et l
              • 34017
              • 898 Posts
              I have a question about TV’s. (I think TV’s are good for this)

              I want to have some sideblocks and top blocks for my site. Here is an example:
              <div class="top">
                 <div class="topper left">top block 1</div>
                 <div class="topper right">top block 2 </div>
              <div class="content">
                  <div class="rightside">Multiple side blocks will be here. Login, Wayfinder, other pullouts related to the page</div>

              I am coming from Joomla and am used to being able to turn on and off a side block for a particular page. How can I:
              a: have multiple side blocks that can be turned on/off per page (a checkbox TV maybe?)
              b: have each side block editable per page (like normal) with inheritance (if checked to show)
              c: for the top modules, do something like ’if (left block && right block), then topper == %50, elseif (left block || right block), then topper == 100%, else topper == hidden?

              Thanks for any feedback. I plan on adding this to collection to the wiki.

                Chuck the Trukk
                ProWebscape.com :: Nashville-WebDesign.com
                - - - - - - - -
                What are TV's? Here's some info below.
                • 15426
                • 12 Posts
                Great info! Thanks.

                Can TV’s be used to call script javascript SRC’s in the page head? The idea being that different pages need different javascripts running under the same template?

                • Yes, use

                  $script = '<script type="text/javascript">
                      // whatever
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                    • 11975
                    • 2,542 Posts

                    here is a way to easily do it.

                    Create a TV (type checkBox) named "jsCall" or whatever you want

                    Create as many chunks as needed with JS code inside
                    for instance {{chunkJS1}}

                    Then edit your tv options and insert:

                    Attach the TV to your template

                    In your template add [* jsCall*] where the tv output must be displayed
                    Then you can choose per page which js to include


                      Made with MODx : [url=http://www.copadel.com]copadel, fruits et l
                    • That’s what I really love about MODx, there are lots of different ways to do things, you’re not tied in to any one way!
                        Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                        Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                        Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org