Quote from: BobRay at Mar 25, 2019, 02:59 PMI did see what you mean with one of your examples. Do you happen to happen to have the FastField extra installed?
No, i am very new to modx so i used few of extras.
they are:
googlesitemap -- deleted
pdoTools i've installed just yesterday, i thought it has own parser who will work correctly

But was surprised it has great sitemap.
My install is clean, what i did is just transferred it from subdomain to main domain by moving folders and changing paths in configuration files.
In my tries to fix the issue i even made an installation of modx over my installation as an update.
I've checked all configuration files, htaccess etc...
Also why parser interpretate xml document correct and html not ?
It is not critical to me at the moment as i am not expiriencing problems caused by caching, but i cant get FormIt working
Even simplest 'redirect' hook. So i started to think this is because i forced to call FormIt without exclamation mark.
Focusing on the topic, also i tried to deinstall ace and almost every extra except wayfinder i guess.
Quote from: andytough at Mar 25, 2019, 01:15 PMI have just noticed what snippet you are using. The word 'Unauthorized' is probably the correct response for that snippet.
I think 'unauthorised' is correct output for non-admin user. It shows the snippet call was parsed correctly.