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    • 42239
    • 73 Posts
    No Email notifications being sent out.
    I have enabled discuss.enable_notifications to yes.

    Possibly related error
    [2018-10-17 11:48:00] (ERROR @ public_html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 240) Error 42S02 executing statement: 
        [0] => 42S02
        [1] => 1146
        [2] => Table 'database.modx_discuss_thread_participants' doesn't exist

    MODX 2.5.7
    Discuss 1.2
      • 46886
      • 1,154 Posts
      Hi mandledesign

      That's the list of users, so its probably related. Are you expecting to send the email to those users who posted in the thread? Or do you want something else to happen?

      It seems strange to me that the table is missing. Do you have the original template with the list of people in the thread listed on the right side of the thread view? You would have to find that tpl file but it could have useful info if it is currently outputting the data you need.

      Its possible this table is mis-called and there is a real list in the db under a different name.

      Given the state of Discuss, you would have to think about how to provide this functionality. However some email notifications do work here on this board...

      Let's figure out where the data is, if the db doesn't have the data where Discuss expects it, and go from there.
        • 17301
        • 932 Posts
        Quote from: mandledesign at Oct 17, 2018, 04:52 PM
        MODX 2.5.7

        Please upgrade your MODX version immediately. https://forums.modx.com/thread/104079/urgent-active-attacks-on-modx-revolution-sites-below-revolution-2-6-5/#dis-post-559785
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          • 42239
          • 73 Posts
          I have upgraded to 2.6.5
            • 42239
            • 73 Posts
            Quote from: nuan88 at Oct 20, 2018, 06:50 PM
            Hi mandledesign
            It seems strange to me that the table is missing.

            I've resolved the above error.

            I have a new problem however which I think you have resolved before.
            [2018-10-21 16:15:58] (ERROR @ /public_html/core/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 811) disThread: Attempt to set NOT NULL field class_key to NULL


            I have emails/disNotificationEmail as the system setting for discuss.notification_new_post_chunk and no luck.

            I am using a custom theme, but I have kept the same structure as default so I'm not sure if that is playing a role in the error or not.
              • 46886
              • 1,154 Posts
              yes its tough to implement a custom theme with Discuss. Do you have all the bits from the main page template? I can't remember the name of it unfortunately.

              Let's make sure you have other stuff, are your site emails working? Do you have the system settings fixed for like site email and so on?
                • 46886
                • 1,154 Posts
                Also what happens when you use the backend to protect a thread? anything or nothing?