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    • 29781
    • 25 Posts
    Until now I used MaxiGallery with display type 'pictureview'. I.e. the gallery overview thumbnails do not open the image in a JS-lightbox but the normal size of pic (for example width 800 px) is displayed with picture title and description text and prev/next-Links on its own page. This normal pic is linking to the big/original sized image (for example 200px width).

    Is this also possible with SG? What I found until now is that with SG the thumbnails open the bic pics directly as pic source [+sg_image+]. How can I output it like described above? Maybe I am not seeing the obvious?

    Aside: It is a shame that such a great CMS like MODx Evo/EVolution CMS is so much less poular than it could be if it had a good to find and easily understandable documentation (in English language).

    This question has been answered by thesa. See the first response.

      • 13226
      • 953 Posts

      I can't answer your question ref SimpleGallery, but I am sure if you contact the developer of that snippet, he will be able to help you - it has its own GitHub repo, so maybe instead of posting here in the forum (which is not the best place for Evo anymore anyway) you should post on the repo

      Aside from that, if you want Evo documentation simply use the correct site, this is easy to find if you use the correct links found here in the forum and on the main MODX LLC website

      Documentation that hasn't been translated from Russian to International English is a problem, but it's only a problem for those who are not willing to contact the developer of said snippet, module etc.

      Also, Evo is a community run project, so all help is welcome, be it for coding, documentation or translations.


      The developer of SimpleGallery recently helped hugely with information about another snippet he built (FormLister) and accordingly the documentation site was updated with documentation and tutorials - all in English

      That information can be found here and here

      The snippet has also now been tranlsted into multiple languages as well, by community members [ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 6 years, 1 month ago.]
      • discuss.answer
        • 29781
        • 25 Posts
        This morning I did the translation of SG plugin into german language.

        In the last time Evo documentation is becoming a bit better but in relation to other CMS it is still much more spread arounf the web and not one single place to find it.
        This here seems still to be the only non-russian forum? I am not very familiar with github. I thought that it is to post issues but not for discussion. Am I wrong?
          • 13226
          • 953 Posts

          Your information isn't completely correct

          The documentation website is a cumulative of all of the earlier MODX Evo documentation websites, including the Wiki and main docs site, as well as new and improved information that has been added since the official hand over of Evo.

          There are other sites that have documentation, but they are not the official site for Evo docs.

          You will find in the different community groups e.g Russian, Japanese etc. that they also have documentation - that's normal

          You are correct in reference to GitHub, but there is currently no official Evo forum - it's still being built, and as you are having issues, I see no problem with adding your issues there