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    This Document was Published: 26.01.2018 and covers the following:

    1. MODX Evo old core snippets
    2. Snippet removal & conversion
    3. Snippet language
    4. Future Evo Support
    5. Converting To Revo with GoRevo

    As of "Evolution CMS" 1.4.0 the older "MODX Evo" core snippets have been removed from the distribution package

    What this means:

    The developers of Evolution CMS have replaced the majority of the old core snippets with new snippets.

    The older snippets have been removed from the install package and placed in the extras domain (https://extras.evolution-cms.com/)

    Please take a look below for more information:

    • Ditto replaced with DocLister
    • Wayfinder replaced with DLMenu
    • Breadcrumbs replaced with DLCrumbs
    • Eform replaced with FormLister
    • WebLogin replaced with FormLister
    • WebChangePwd replaced with FormLister
    • WebSignup replaced with FormLister

    The following have been taken out of the core distribution and also moved to the extras domain:

    • AjaxSearch
    • FirstChildRedirect
    • Jot
    • MemberCheck
    • Personalize
    • Reflect
    • UltimateParent

    If you intend on updating your current website with the latest version of Evo, there are some things that you must be aware of.

    1. Old snippets are not in the install package - you have to download them from the extras site
    2. You can still use the old snippets for your website, but some now have their own GitHub home for issues, example:
    3. Custom code created for old core snippets will have to be re-coded if you convert your old calls to use the new snippets


    The majority of the new snippets have to-date not been translated from Russian into International English, which means converting your current calls could be a problem.

    The only snippet that has been fully translated is "DocLister", which can be currently found here: Evolution DOCS - DocLister

    Converting Ditto to DocLister

    For those who wish to convert their Ditto calls, further English documentation and examples can be found here:

    Please note: When converting your Ditto calls into DocLister you may need PHP knowledge as some of the calls can not be converted 1 to 1 and therefore require custom code, for example: for database calls

    Future Evo Support:

    The majority of Evo users have noticed that support via the MODX Forum has declined on a major scale and as such:

    For future support - please use the Evolution CMS GitHub issues page, at least until the Evolution CMS forum is online

    Converting To Revo:

    BobRay from the MODX forum created a tool some time back that helps to convert Evo sites to Revo, with that said:

    It should be made clear that with the removal of the old core snippets, anyone wishing to convert an Evo site in the future will not be able to use GoRevo if they convert all their calls to the new snippets code, GoRevo was built to convert the old snippets e.g Ditto, Wayfinder etc.

    GoRevo will still possibly work to some degree, but it won't be able to convert the calls to their Revo replacements.

    Those who are still considering updating to Revo should do it before they convert all their calls to the new snippets, once sites start using the new snippets, converting will become much more complicated, unless GoRevo is updated to compensate the changes. [ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 6 years, 7 months ago.]