No, what you're looking at is the MODX Manager, which lets you administer a single MODX site.
cPanel is the Control Panel for your hosting service. It has nothing to do with MODX directly, though changes there can affect how MODX runs. cPanel lets you create and control email accounts; copy, compress, edit and change permissions on files; edit the database directly; set up FTP and database users, change your PHP version, and much, much more.
There's a demo you can play with here:
If you click on the File Manager at the upper left of the grid, you can navigate though the files and folders. On the right side of the list, you'll see the file and folder permissions (e.g., 755, 644). If you highlight one or more files or folders, you can click on the "Permissions" option at the top to change multiple permissions at once.
It's possible that your host doesn't have cPanel (there are alternatives) or that they don't allow users to access it, but it's unlikely if they're a good hosting service.