Thanks for the answer, Andy!
Quote from: andytough at Dec 01, 2017, 02:07 PMYou are correct, it looks like it is a permissions issue with the server.
You should ensure that the MODX User you are logging is in the Administrator group, and preferably has 'super user' priviliges. (Manage / Users - select your user name and when viewing it check under the Access Permissions tab. If you are not an admin you might not be able to follow that step though!
My admin account has Super User priviliges I believe. Here is a screenshot: (on top it says in Russian: User Group, Role, Sort)
Quote from: andytough at Dec 01, 2017, 02:07 PM
If you have some sort of control panel that allows you to administer the server, or ssh access to the web server folders, you want to make sure that the ownership and permissions of all the files and folders is correct.
All I have is this admin access through /manager URL. I don't know if there is an ssh access. I'm really new to this and so are people who asked me to help them out with the website :/
While I was trying to make the image uploading work I clicked on folders in file system and saw different rights (numbers) there. Couldn't make much of them though, it's good that you touched on them further in your post.
Quote from: andytough at Dec 01, 2017, 02:07 PM
Generally you would want the permissions to be as follows.
Folders 755
Files 644
If that does not work then you could try
Folders 775
Files 664
So some of the folders have 0777 and some have 0755. Should I try to change all of the folders to 0755? Thing is, I cannot change the rights on some folders. For example, I can change the rights on assets and core folders but changing the number of tmp folder gives me error "Unknown access rights error (chmod)". Also, uploading images worked for the folders that have changeable rights.
Also, I'm not really sure how to change Files rights. Let's say I have a folder called img and inside I've got an image.jpg. So, img is a folder and image.jpg is a file, right? But when I rightclick on an image.jpg I don't get the option to change rights. When I rightclick on img I do.
Hence the problem with "Bear in mind that the permissions for you config file in the core folder should be 400". In core/config folder I have file which I cannot change the rights of because there is no such option when I rightclick on it.