I've got recaptcha V2 working. Comments are added in Extras—>Quip—>Latest Comments but when approved don't display in the front end. The comments don't appear in the comments list of my Articles blog resource.
This is my call...
[[!QuipReply? &thread=`article-60-[[*id]]` &preHooks=`recaptchav2` &closeAfter=`0` &moderate=`1` &requireAuth=`0` &recaptcha=`0` ]]
Any help would be much appreciated
OK I think I've got it - just in case this helps anyone else I also needed...
[[!Quip? &thread=`article-60-[[*id]]`]]
I got this working, except that error messages do not appear. NOTE: I am NOT using Articles, I'm installing the quip comments scripts on all pages of the site.
I've got Recaptcha V2 installed, correct keys enter in system settings, and the Recaptcha "I'm not a robot" element appears in the comments.
When "I'm not a robot" IS checked off, the page redirects to itself with this on the end:
and the comments shows up in my unapproved list.
When "I'm not a robot" IS NOT checked, it redirects to itself with this on the end:
and no error message appears. The page doesn't scroll down, either, because there is no div with id "quip-comment-preview-box-qcom" on the page. The comment does not get entered in the database, as expected, but why no error message? I've got "[[!+error.recaptchav2_error]]" right after the Recaptcha display snippet in the reply template.
[ed. note: rainbowtiger last edited this post 6 years, 1 month ago.]