Decided to try TinyMCEWrapper. Seemed good but elFinder Uploads resulted in a Permission Denied. Checked permissions. Tried on a Production and Localhost - no change. Started research into removing elFinder but got a bit stuck. Gave up for a while.
Complication - AjaxManager
In parallel I've been trying to improve Manager performance. Currently at about 8 seconds to change resources on Firefox and maybe 6 on Chrome. Finally found AjaxManager (been pondering this issue for years). This seemed ropey with frequent lockups but when it works got resource changes down to 2-3 seconds and without the horribly clunky white screen. Read a forum post suggesting removing AjaxManager is really risky.
https://forums.modx.com/thread/81318/ajax-postback-in-manager?page=2#dis-post-451331 - quite old admittedly. I'm puzzled by this System Setting AjaxManager.compatible_namespaces - added TinyMCEWrapper but do I really need to add every Package? Got 25 on my Production system but only 3 on my localhost.
And then I noticed that the TinyMCEWrapper RTEs had disappeared. Although a F5 while viewing a Resource provides the RTEs - until I change resource and they disappear.
Decided to Toggle the RTE settings. In System Settings filtered for Editor and started changing use_editor - Yes to No and also which_editor and which_element_editor which were both TinyMCEWrapper. Oddly the options for the latter two were None, TinyMCEWrapper, TinyMCEWapper. Almost as though there were two installations of TinyMCEWrapper.
On Opening the Manager Media top menu there were two elFinder File Browser menu entries. Returned to System Settings and the use-editor No was back to a Yes. And any changes to the other related settings were also reset. Changed some other unrelated Settings just to ensure Settings in general were working - yes, only the Editor related ones were zombiefied. Kept coming back from the dead.
Tried the now many elFinders. Mostly they work but saw this but only once.
Warning: session_start(): Session callback expects true/false return value in /home/.../core/model/modx/modx.class.php on line 2286
Often elFinder won't appear. But I think this is due to AjaxManager. I've found that you get a tiny Loading popup a lot with AjaxManager but by simply visiting an unrelated Resource it jolts it into to life. But not always... F5 usually does the trick but defeats the point.
TinyMCEWrapper elFinder Upload Permission Problem. Completely unrelated to AjaxManager - been nursing this for a week.
AjaxManager is causing lots of Loading issues and MAY have caused the next problem.
Changing TinyMCEWrapper related System Settings use_editor,which_editor and which_element_editor - don't stick.
Both which_editors have TWO options for TinyMCEWrapper. Should be one obviously.
Changes of use_editor and MAYBE the others results in multiple elFinder menu entries. I had 9 at one point.
RTEs are missing in action until a F5 reloads everything - they disappear on a Resource change.
Empty of Core/Cache/system_settings removes the extra elFinder menu links. But they come back when those System Settings are altered.
Extras - Installer menu now leading to an empty main area of the manager (main menu and resource tree visible). Almost certainly an AjaxManager issue. Again, when "Loading" a F5 gets me to the Packages page.
On my localhost I managed to install CKEditor and uninstall TinyMCEWrapper and after core/cache clearing I've got a nearly working system - if only I'm brave enough to kill AjaxManager... Yes - just did that, you have to click Restore option for some reason. As stated I didn't do the AjaxManager.compatible_namespaces bit. Partly as the Installation Instructions are missing from
https://modx.com/extras/package/ajaxmanager and also because typing in 25 or so is just dumb.
Probably best to get rid of them both. Permanently. Head shots for zombies??? Which is a shame as my Managers are soooo clunky without Ajax. And TinyMCEWrapper seemed to have uses although it could do with better docs.
Help with elFinder Upload failure.
Help with AjaxManager - does it work if I type in 25 packages in the Setting?
Possible bugs in TinyMCEWrapper regarding zombie settings and elFinder multiplying.
Suggest better docs for TinyMCEWrapper. Complicated thing.
Tested on two websites.
MODx 2.5.6 and 2.5.2. Production host and localhost respectively. Firefox and Chrome. PHP7 and PHP5.5.11 (localhost)