The menu still works but the third layer is still not displayed.
I changed it back to 2.
I am not a PHP developer and am limited with my knowledge of the tech behind how wayfinder works.
I am thinking that the root is "level 1" and not "level 0", so in your case that would mean you only display parent / child, but you need 3 levels
So instead of using: &level=`2` try using &level=`3`
That may work, but just to test - if you have the old Wayfinder files, upload them and see if it works without changing the call
Yama made a lot of changes to Wayfinder in 2016, but as already mentioned, I am not a PHP developer and as such, can't find my way around the changes made
Try the level 3 and or swapping out the Wayfinder files with the old ones - at least that way you can test to see what works and what doesn't
Just a side note: even when all of the levels do work (as seen when set to level 0), the third level visually sits on top of the second level, hiding them.
So there must be other problems as well.
See screenshot taken earlier - green arrow shows overlap
[ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 8 years, 1 month ago.]
Thanks all for your help! The 3rd layer was hovering abouve the second layer. That's why we didn't see it.
This problem has been solved.
Kind regards,