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  • is not working.

    I have upgraded the install, checked permissions checked the file path and basically am about ready to throw my computer across the room.

    Error:There was a problem with your upload.

    thats my error. nothing else.

    yes I have checked the file size allowance. it does this for every level of manager user

    This question has been answered by redtoad. See the first response.


      Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
      Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
      "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
    • So I have determined that the error message is


      which is apparently triggered by nothing. No error. so it thinks theres a possible file attack when I upload. I'm mystified. going to keep digging, any insight is helpful. wondering at this point if theres a server setting thats changed. however. I can upload through the content box on tiny_mce

      case 0: //no error; possible file attack!
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error0'];
      			case 1: //uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error1'];
      			case 2: //uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error2'];
      			case 3: //uploaded file was only partially uploaded
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error3'];
      			case 4: //no file was uploaded
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error4'];
      			default: //a default error, just in case!  :)
      				$msg .=  $_lang['files_upload_error5'];

      Quote from: redtoad at Aug 02, 2016, 03:13 PM
      is not working.

      I have upgraded the install, checked permissions checked the file path and basically am about ready to throw my computer across the room.

      Error:There was a problem with your upload.

      thats my error. nothing else.

      yes I have checked the file size allowance. it does this for every level of manager user

        Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
        Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
        "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
      • I'm guessing it's a security setting but honestly am clueless, I can't upload any file from the file manager in the backend

          Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
          Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
          "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
        • I'm guessing it's a security setting but honestly am clueless, I can't upload any file from the file manager in the backend

            Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
            Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
            "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
          • nope, older version of modx evo on the same server, I can upload with the file manager. going to try to find the same version. testing.

            edited: tested same version, same server, different site (fresh install) and the file manager is fine. I'm going to replace all manager files and see if that works.

              Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
              Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
              "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
            • discuss.answer
              ok I figured it out. After replacing the manager files with no success I started comparing the configuration of the two installs. In the system configuration -> file browser under file browser url I had http://sitename.com/assets/

              changing it to
              (a relative rather than an absolute path)
              fixed my issue. I'm good.


                Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
                Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
                "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore